
How to shoot creative double exposures with this free accessory

Among vodka, caviar and other wonderful creations of nature, Russia has also a lot to offer to photographers in the chase of extreme sensations! At the time of Soviet Union, there were a lot of cameras manufactured there. LOMO, which stands for Leningradskoïe Optiko-Mekhanitcheskoïe Obiedinienie (don’t ask me to pronounce it!) was probably one of […]

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This guy actually made a digital back for his 35mm Nikons out of a Sony NEX camera

I’ve been following the “digital film” saga for years. There’s been at least 4 failed attempts to get one working, and one hoax. Nikon even filed a patent for one of their own at one point. But besides those early digital film hybrid cameras, none have ever really made it. At one time I thought […]

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It’s time to bust out those Instamatics. Now you can load them with 35mm film using this adapter kit.

When I was a kid, the Kodak Instamatic 25 was our go to camera for family stuff. Sure, my dad had a fancy Olympus OM-1, but the Instamatic went with us everywhere. My mother recently found that camera and gave it to me. Ever since then it’s sat on a shelf, in the hopes that […]

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The LAB-BOX multi-format film developing tank lets you eliminate the darkroom

When I first stumbled across this, I thought it was a pretty neat idea. Of course, it’s not an entirely new idea. Agfa used to make a similar device. The Rondinax. Of course, you needed completely separate units for 35mm and 120 format film. The LAB-BOX works on a similar principle, but is a little […]

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Clearing my mind of digital bad habits with a pinhole film camera

Digital photography created a wonderful new world of opportunities but it also changed the way we photograph, instilling in us a lot of bad habits. One of the worst effects of digital photography is to make us shoot too much and post process even more. It’s kind of strange, even with a strong film background, when […]

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How to get sharp, crisp, black & white photos when shooting with film

If you want sharp black and white images with fine grain, then you are on the right page my friend! I’m a bit of a freak in terms of image quality and I love very detailed photos. That’s why I’ve been searching for a good combination of film and developer to obtain the best results. […]

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ADOX is building a new factory to produce photographic film, paper and chemicals

Founded as the world’s first photochemical factory in 1860, ADOX has had an interesting life. But as observed by Ilford, Kodak, and other companies, film is becoming extremely popular again. So much so that ADOX have announced plans to build a huge new factory in Bad Saarow, just outside Berlin, Germany. This is in addition […]

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