Removing Glare from Eyeglasses in Lightroom

Whenever you use a very large light on a subject wearing eye glasses, you’re likely to run into a problem with glare on the glasses. The is simply a reflection of the light in the glasses. I do my best to mitigate this problem by moving the subject, the light, and my camera, but sometimes […]

Shooting Personal Projects

A great way to challenge yourself and enhance your skills is to shoot some personal projects. Here is an opportunity to stretch your imagination. Building sets, buying props, coordinating wardrobe, scouting locations and casting talent are all part of the process of shooting your personal projects. When you apply all these things, your ideas will […]

How to create snow in Photoshop

In today’s Photoshop tip, learn how to create snow using a custom brush, filters, and an adjustment layer. Similar techniques can be used to create rain, as well! Howard Pinsky is an online Photoshop and Lightroom educator, offering over 400 videos. Be sure to follow Howard for more updates by clicking on the links below! Follow on Twitter Subscribe […]

Photofocus Podcast December 25, 2015 — Chris Hershman and Bryan O’Neil Hughes

This week we catch up with a photographer and a Lightroom expert.  First Pamela Berry talks with photographer and music video producer Chris Horseman.  Then Robert Vanelli talks with Bryan O’Neil Highes from Adobe about his photography, Lightroom, and Lightroom Mobile. Get the show here  or get it on iTunes — Don’t forget to post a review on iTunes. Chris […]

Lightroom Hangout: Deck the Halls with Lightroom Tips

You gotta join us live for our next Google+ Hangout, totally free of charge. Not only will you learn terrific techniques, but if you tune in live, you can be entered to win excellent prizes to help you in your work. (Note: MUST BE TUNED IN LIVE TO WIN). We’ll be giving away a copy of Photomatix from HDRSoft.  Plus […]

My Favorite New Photoshop CC Features (Late 2015 Release)

There are a ton of updates in the latest version of Photoshop CC. In this video, I show off a few of my favorites – from artboard improvements, font filtering, the return of the Oil Paint filter, and more! Howard Pinsky is an online Photoshop and Lightroom educator, offering over 400 videos. Be sure to follow Howard for […]

Adobe Lightroom for iOS 2.1 Now Available

Adobe has released Lightroom of iOS 2.1 with several new features and enhancements, including: iPad Pro support. Take advantage of the iPad Pro’s brilliant visual experience while adjusting color, tone or brightness in your photos. iOS9’s Split View and Slide Over multi-tasking enhancements make Lightroom for mobile + iPad Pro the best combination for photographers […]

A-dough-be: Adobe’s doubles profits thanks to 6.1M Creative Cloud subscribers

Like it or not, Adobe dragged consumers into the era of subscription-based software. And from the looks of it, it’s paying off. Last Thursday, Adobe revealed, for the ninth quarter in a row, that the San Jose, California-based company beat out analysts’ expectations, more than doubling its net profit year over year, from $88 million […]

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