Advanced video stabilisation with Premiere and After Effects

One of the most off putting things for viewers of video is shaky footage. The best way to keep the camera steady is to use a tripod, but sometimes we want to add a little motion. Quality sliders can still cost a fair amount of money, and not everybody has a gimbal or other stabiliser. We just […]

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Black Friday Deal: Adobe Photoshop Elements for $39

Amazon has Adobe Photoshop Elements 15 (latest version) for $39.99 (reg. $79.99) as one of its Black Friday deals. Check it out while it lasts here on For more great deals, check out Photography Bay’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals page. Copyright/DMCA Notice: The RSS entry was originally published on Photography Bay. RSSID#794326

5 Photoshop mistakes photographers make that they should avoid

It can take a while to figure out what does and doesn’t work in Photoshop for new photographers. We’ve all been there. We’ve discovered some new tool or technique, and we go overboard. We think it looks amazing, we start doing it to every image, but we’re really doing ourselves more harm than good. In […]

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Adobe is photoshopping voice now – new tech lets you change human recordings

You know that whole “was this photo shopped” debate? Well, things are going to get much worse. Adobe just showed a new tech they call VoCo. Here is how Adobe describes it: “#VoCo allows you to change words in a voiceover simply by typing new words“. And the demo that Adobe showed in AdobeMAX did exactly […]

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How to eliminate sensor dust in Adobe Lightroom

The transition from film to digital eliminated problems that plagued many photographers. Things like reciprocity failure were now a thing of the past. But, it presented a few new challenges, too. The biggest of those is dust. Things have gotten better over the years. We’ve made the shift from CCD to CMOS sensors, which seem […]

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Adobe focus on productivity and workflow efficiency with Photoshop CC 2017

Adobe have today announced the release of Adobe Photoshop CC 2017. This update comes along with new versions of Premiere Pro, After Effects and other software in the Creative Cloud package. One of the key themes coming through in each of the new announcements is productivity. But there’s a whole host of other new features, […]

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Deal: Photoshop Elements 15 for $39

Amazon has Photoshop Elements 15 for $39.99 (reg. $79.99) right now. While it is currently showing “out of stock,” you can still place and order and Amazon will ship it when it is back in stock. Check it out here on Copyright/DMCA Notice: The RSS entry was originally published on Photography Bay. RSSID#794326

5 top tips to improve your food photography

Food photography is something we’ve pretty much all tried. Even if our gastronomical efforts are only limited to Instagram, it helps to be able to get a nice shot. In this video from Adobe, photographer Andrew Scrivani shares his top five tips to improving your own food photography. You might look a little odd bringing chopping […]

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Photokina News: Tim Cook Joins Adobe, Promises To Remove The Healing Brush

While we are covering photokina 2016,  looks like Pratik Naik has got some scoops which may or may not be true. In a shocking move that came unexpected to the industry, former Apple CEO has agreed to join Adobe this morning at Photokina. The move startled tech insiders. “It made sense to no one,” one […]

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Photokina News: Tim Cook Joins Adobe, Promises To Remove The Healing Brush

While we are covering photokina 2016,  looks like Pratik Naik has got some scoops which may or may not be true. In a shocking move that came unexpected to the industry, former Apple CEO has agreed to join Adobe this morning at Photokina. The move startled tech insiders. “It made sense to no one,” one […]

The post Photokina News: Tim Cook Joins Adobe, Promises To Remove The Healing Brush appeared first on DIY Photography.