Sizing Digital Images in Photoshop [UP13]

Understanding Photoshop is a biweekly column that takes an in-depth look at how digital photographs are built and manipulated.  It is a college-level course in plain English for free at Photofocus.  To learn more see this article. Don’t Skip Column 12 Once you’ve acquired your digital images, you’ll need to size them for your project (as well […]

Sizing Digital Images in Photoshop [UP13]

Understanding Photoshop is a biweekly column that takes an in-depth look at how digital photographs are built and manipulated.  It is a college-level course in plain English for free at Photofocus.  To learn more see this article. Don’t Skip Column 12 Once you’ve acquired your digital images, you’ll need to size them for your project (as well […]

Pinball Heroes: How I Previsualized and Realized a Photograph

When I heard that Photofocus was renting the Pinball Hall of Fame for a party, my mind started going crazy with ideas. The plan was to host a party during Photoshop World in Las Vegas and invite Photofocus readers to join us for a live shoot with models and borrowable cameras from The party […]

Pinball Heroes: How I Previsualized and Realized a Photograph

When I heard that Photofocus was renting the Pinball Hall of Fame for a party, my mind started going crazy with ideas. The plan was to host a party during Photoshop World in Las Vegas and invite Photofocus readers to join us for a live shoot with models and borrowable cameras from The party […]

Google Hangout Instant Replay: “When Should I Jump from Lightroom to Photoshop?”

Last week we held a fun Google Hangout filed with some incredible tips. The incredible Terry White from Adobe shared his ideas, and was joined by Erika Thornes, Kevin Ames, Levi Sim, Pamela Berry, Robert Vanelli, and Rich Harrington. Most photographers these days have access to two great photo packages… Lightroom and Photoshop.  The confusing part is there’s […]

Preview Time-Lapse Footage with Ease in Bridge CC

We’ve all been there.. That feeling after long days and nights of shooting hundreds (if not thousands) of time-lapse or stop-motion frames and wanting desperately to preview the fruits of our labors, only to do so by holding down the arrow key and watching as droves of blurred images race mercilessly before our eyes. While […]

Join Us Today for “When Should I Jump from Lightroom to Photoshop?”

Don’t miss today’s Google Hangout all about Photoshop and Lightroom.  This event is 100% free and you learn terrific techniques, but if you tune in live, you can be entered to win excellent prizes to help you in your work. (Note: MUST BE TUNED IN LIVE TO WIN). UPDATE: The incredible Terry White from Adobe will join us this Friday. This event is 100% […]

Photoshop Luminance Masks

Editor’s Note: Don’t miss this week’s free event on when to jump from Lightroom to Photoshop.   Photoshop Luminance Masks are a great way to edit an image targeting just the areas you want. These masks aren’t solid black and whites but mirror the luminance values of a channel or channels. Lets jump into Photoshop and see […]

What are Smart Objects in Photoshop?

Editor’s Note: Don’t miss this week’s free event on when to jump from Lightroom to Photoshop.   If you’ve spent any time reading or watching Photoshop tutorials, you’ve likely heard the term Smart Object, usually combined with non-destructive editing, but what exactly is a Smart Object, and how does it differ from it’s dumb alternative? At its core, Smart […]