This 3 step raw colour correction tip will fix your white balance woes

Even if you plan to alter or grade your footage afterwards, having an accurate and consistent starting point makes your life much easier. Getting perfect white balance without a grey card, Expodisc, ColorChecker or fancy colour meter can be tricky, though. But it’s not impossible. This video from Blake Rudis at f64 Academy walks us through […]

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Shot a person from below? Fix the perspective with a few clicks

Something came to my attention recently thanks to some feedback from close friends. This was called “Fixing the Keystone” or “Keystoning” and it simply means making sure that your verticals are vertical and horizontals are horizontal. A very simple concept and also one which architectural photographers will have been on top for decades. Here’s how you […]

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Adobe’s new “Guided Upright” tool in the Lightroom and Camera Raw updates makes distortion correction a breeze

Adobe have just announced that Lightroom CC 2015.6, Lightroom 6.6 and Adobe Camera Raw 9.6 are now available adding a whole slew of lens support, a few new cameras and some very welcome updates and fixes. The big feature is the new Guided Upright tool, available in both Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw.  In these videos, […]

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How to remove colour casts using Adobe Camera Raw

Here we show you how to quickly correct the white balance of your Raw files using the tools in Elements’ Camera Raw editor. Different light sources have different colour temperatures: simply put daylight is cool and blue, and indoor light is a warm yellow/orange. Your DSLR’s white balance settings are designed to compensate for different… Continue reading

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