How to scroll through Lightroom / ACR presets with your keyboard arrows!

I’ve been sitting around for the last week trying to find something I can share with you all that will really enhance your enjoyment and time efficiency when editing your photos. That’s when I stumbled upon this absolute gem of a program! This guy “TimarIuveo” on YouTube has essentially made an action that tells your […]

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What is Street Photography? A Rookie’s Guide to Developing (Photography) Street Cred

What is street photography? There are many ways to describe and explain street photography, but honestly, I hate definitions. I think they limit your vision. And vision is essential. To me, street photography is just documenting human life. Period. Candid or with permission? I don’t care. Color or black and

The post What is Street Photography? A Rookie’s Guide to Developing (Photography) Street Cred appeared first on Expert Photography.

This is why you should never chimp at your camera

In the world of sports photography, there’s no such thing as second chances. In the words of Marshal Mathers, ‘you only get one shot, one opportunity.’ Unfortunately, one photographer who was recently covering a kickball game missed her one opportunity by not following the number one rule you learn when shooting–don’t chimp. As a result, […]

The post This is why you should never chimp at your camera appeared first on DIY Photography.