This 60 cent ring can prevent your lens from getting stolen

Modern cameras allow photographers to remove and change the lens fast, using only one hand. Unfortunately, it also makes it easier for thieves to steal the lenses directly off the camera. This is why photographer Rutger Geerling created Mark’s Lens Safe. It’s an accessory that protects the release button of your camera, making it impossible […]

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These images may look like CG renders, but they’re actually photographs

In a world where many CG artists are aiming for photorealism, one very skilled photographer seems to be going the opposite way. These images look like something straight out of 3DS Max or Blender. They’re not, though. They’re actually very carefully designed photographs, created by Norwegian design duo Lars Marcus Vedeler and Theo Zamudio-Tveterås at their […]

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Inventor helps young photographer to be able to take photographs again

Many of us take photography for granted. Whether it’s a big fancy DSLR or the phone in our pocket, Photography is part of our daily lives. For some, that simple pleasure of just hitting the shutter isn’t so easy. One such person is James Dunn. James, now 23, from Whiston, England, has a potentially-terminal skin condition which prevents […]

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How to shoot super detailed macro photographs with the help of an Arduino and a bunch of LEDs

This is one of those topics that can become extremely complicated very quickly, but if you have a love of macro photography and a passion for electronics, this could be just the project to get you fired up. Using a process called “Reflectance Transformation Imaging” (RTI), whereby light is studied hitting the surface of an object […]

The post How to shoot super detailed macro photographs with the help of an Arduino and a bunch of LEDs appeared first on DIY Photography.