Film Soup! Cook your roll like a chef to create interesting effects

Today we are cooking film! For those of you who’ve never heard of Film Soup before, don’t worry, it has nothing to do with the soup from your childhood nightmares! It’s basically a technique were you voluntary damage a film with all sorts of chemicals like detergent, alcohol or whatever you want before developing it. […]

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How to shoot creative double exposures with this free accessory

Among vodka, caviar and other wonderful creations of nature, Russia has also a lot to offer to photographers in the chase of extreme sensations! At the time of Soviet Union, there were a lot of cameras manufactured there. LOMO, which stands for Leningradskoïe Optiko-Mekhanitcheskoïe Obiedinienie (don’t ask me to pronounce it!) was probably one of […]

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How to get sharp, crisp, black & white photos when shooting with film

If you want sharp black and white images with fine grain, then you are on the right page my friend! I’m a bit of a freak in terms of image quality and I love very detailed photos. That’s why I’ve been searching for a good combination of film and developer to obtain the best results. […]

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500 shades of gray: tips for shooting black and white film

If you are new to film photography, chances are that you will get into shooting black and white sooner or later because you have been inspired by the masterpieces of our great geniuses. But before you become the next Henri Cartier-Bresson or Sebastião Salgado there are a few things you should know. Seeing the world […]

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