See How The A7SII Compares To The Human Eye In Low Light Conditions

The Sony A7SII is a marvel of low light performance. With native ISO of 100-102400 it rivals military grade night vision. Youtube user VideoArt GR created a video comparing what we see with the naked human eye vs. where we can go bumping the ISO of the A7SII. The test was made with a Rokinon 50mm t1.5 […]

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Use A 3D Printed Strobe Mount To Get Your Strobe 89% on Axis

A few days ago we shared a cool way to mount a strobe to a tree using a 3D printed “dog bone” and a strap. It used a cool housing for the strobe that placed the strobe 100% on axis which was very cool. We actually got some mails about that flash mount from the video so we asked Chris […]

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Adobe CC Keyboard Shortcuts. Every. Single. One.

So there a great debate out there: which method is faster? Using the mouse or using keyboard shortcuts? I was sure that keyboard would be the fastest but test results are inconclusive [pdf] (some even suggest the complete opposite). One thing that stands out on research is that if one is very proficient with keyboard shortcuts, then […]

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How They Made Matte Drawing On Plexiglass Before The Days Of CGI

Today’s digital effects are pretty amazing (or not) depending on your view. But both the good CGI and the bad CGI have one thing in common, they are computer generated. Not so long ago, the concept of computerized massive scenes was not even conceived yet and effects studios used different methods to “create” sets bigger than […]

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This Crazy Shot Parkours Through A Car Windows And Emerges From The Other Side

Usually we see Parkour artists being shot with gimbals, I think this is the first time where we are featuring a parkour artist which IS the gimbal.  Steadycam operator gimbal ninja posted a behind the scenes showing him taking a complex shot while following a cyclist getting ran over. The Twist? The camera operator jumps through two […]

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Annoyed At Apples Photos Auto Launch? Here Is A Simple Way To Stop It

Mac users are probably familiar with the how Apple Photos launch when you connect a device to your computer. And not jest digital cameras. Every. Single. Device. Apple probably did this to “help” you import your photos to the “right” program, but this behavior can be pretty annoying if you are using anything but Apple Photos […]

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Use A Dog Bone To Mount A Strobe On Any Trunk, Beam, Pole Or Branch

If you are doing a lot of outdoor shooting using hot shoe strobes, you need to find a way to place them in three dimensional space. Of course, the trivial way is to use a light stand. But if you shoot in anything other than an open space, photographer Chris Cameron has a nice tip to […]

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