One Up Your Editing Game By Using A Gaming Mouse

If you are reading this blog, you know that we are big fan of keyboard short cuts, but for some programs, working with a mouse is unavoidable. I was talking with an editor friend, Ariel Hadar from Kaveret, and he showed me quite an awesome was to utili…

Everyone Is Taking Photos Now, What Makes Someone ‘A Photographer’?

If you wanted to raise hell on a photography forum just pop that question in there and see what happens. And the reason this question will make a forum explode is because it touches something very deep. I mean, you can draw as much as you want and you would not call yourself a painter, […]

The post Everyone Is Taking Photos Now, What Makes Someone ‘A Photographer’? appeared first on DIY Photography.

You Decide How Much To Pay For Files From EVERY SINGLE PACKAGE We Sell

We know that you are itching to know what kind of things we have in each and every package. I mean, it is one thing seeing the samples on the web, and another thing to experience a fabric file at 36MP resolution or a gorgeous decay back-plate shot with a medium format camera. This is why […]

The post You Decide How Much To Pay For Files From EVERY SINGLE PACKAGE We Sell appeared first on DIY Photography.

Photo Series Shows How Hard It Is For Photographers To Shoot Their Girlfriends

If you are a photographer chances are that you like to take photos of your family, friends and significant others. But not everyone likes to have their photos taken. In fact, there are quite a lot of people who specifically don’t like their photo to be taken, and will find creative ways to avoid being […]

The post Photo Series Shows How Hard It Is For Photographers To Shoot Their Girlfriends appeared first on DIY Photography.