Paxispax is a bag with a pouch that goes from back to front

There is quite a debate going in the photographic community, which one is more comfy: back packs or shoulder bags. This has been going on every since I can remember and talking strictly from a functional perspective I can see pluses and minuses for both. (if you base your decision on style, which is perfectly ok, […]

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Getty to Google: ‘Get the high res photo off your image search page’

Getty, probably the largest image agency in the world, just picked a fight with the largest… well.. anything in the world – Google. In an open letter, Getty accuses google of depriving sites of their traffic by displaying high-res photo in their image search. And it does not stop there. Getty also filed a formal […]

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These photos of nuclear explosions were taken one ten-millionth of a second after detonation

If taking photos of speeding bullets is hard, imagine how hard it is to take photos of a nuclear bomb going off. (I mean aside the obvious issue of having yourself and the camera being completely decimated if you were at any reasonable distance). I mean, if you developed a nuclear bomb, you wanna see how […]

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You thought that Google Glass was bad? Sony wants to make a contact lens camera

Ions ago (at least in technological terms) Google were out to change the world with their Google glass wearable tech. One of the most prominent objections to that tech was people being afraid of being spied upon.  Google Glass now lies at the bottom of Google’s failed-projects cemetery. Sony is out to bring this concept […]

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How to take ghosted portraits using a mix of gelled lights and strobes

Some people prefer to use continuous light and some prefer strobes, but if you combine the two you get a certain kind of magic. The continuous light gives you the smearing effect you would get from dragging the shutter, while the strobe will freeze the action. Photographer Erik Christian used that fact to create compelling portraits for a […]

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Apple is killing QuickTime for Windows, how will this impact your workflow

Apple is now doing to Quicktime what Adobe did to Flash a few years ago. Not for the same reasons, but the impact is similar. Apple has stopped updating its Quicktime software for Windows and now the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team issued an Alert (TA16105-A), which recommends Windows users uninstall Apple QuickTime from their computers. […]

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Here is how to register the bride and groom to have a Sony automatically focus on them in a crowd

Wedding photographers, this the feature you’ve all been waiting for. The new cameras from Sony have a nifty feature that allows you to register a face and then tell the camera to look for a specific face and then try and find them in the frame and force focus on them. This feature works by […]

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This is what your naked body would look like if it was hit by a drone

Of course, no sane person would subject themselves to being hit by a flying drone, but researches at Aalborg University in Denmark used a piece of pork and a propeller catapult to simulate the impact bare flash would suffer if hit by a drone. And it ain’t pretty. The team uses a 3 meter aluminum catapult can accelerate a 1-kilogram drone […]

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The C-PAN camera guide arm is a jib, slider and curve all rolled into one

I have to admit that the jib market is not an innovative market, I mean the mechanical basics have been laid down years ago and aside a few clever travel form factors for jibs we have not seen much. But really got me by surprise when they announced the C-PAN camera guide. I am not exactly […]

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