Here’s why you should try out even the worst lens before you decide to ditch it

My collection of lenses grows each month. I’ve recently accepted the fact that I didn’t buy a big enough cabinet to store them all. In an attempt to free up some room I decided to conduct a culling. In the process of getting exceptional lenses, sometimes I have to buy a batch in order to […]

The post Here’s why you should try out even the worst lens before you decide to ditch it appeared first on DIY Photography.

Here’s why you should try out even the worst lens before you decide to ditch it

My collection of lenses grows each month. I’ve recently accepted the fact that I didn’t buy a big enough cabinet to store them all. In an attempt to free up some room I decided to conduct a culling. In the process of getting exceptional lenses, sometimes I have to buy a batch in order to […]

The post Here’s why you should try out even the worst lens before you decide to ditch it appeared first on DIY Photography.

This wide angle zoom lens is a hidden gem of vintage lenses, and it’s incredibly cheap

The winter sun was low to the horizon as I steadied myself upon a rather uncomfortable wooden perch. My back to the sun and downwind, target in clear sight, I drew in a deep breath then slowly exhaled as I prepared to take the shot. At the bottom of my breath I waited for that […]

The post This wide angle zoom lens is a hidden gem of vintage lenses, and it’s incredibly cheap appeared first on DIY Photography.