The Fuji X-Pro 2 – First Impressions

It was a long time coming but Fuji is finally shipping the successor to the X-Pro1 – the Fuji X-Pro2 is a stunning update that most Fuji shooters are at least interested in. There was a lot of hype about this camera from the Fuji ambassadors so I wanted to give the camera a once-over […]

Photographers – Don’t Wait For Permission

I was talking with a young photographer who I admire the other day, and I advised her to be bold – to move forward – and to do it now. Don’t wait for permission from someone else to take the next step in your career because permission is rarely given. If you wait on permission […]

Wildlife Photography – You Can Use Flash

I don’t use flash very often and I especially don’t use it very often with wildlife but it is possible. For this image made with a Canon 1D MK II and Canon 500 f/4 lens, mounted on a tripod with gimbal head, I used a Canon flash with a Visual Echoes FX-1B “Better Beamer” Flash […]

MindShift Gear UltraLight Dual 36L – Mini Review

If you’ve read my reviews of Think Tank Photo bags you know I am a fan. So when I heard that some of the people from Think Tank started another brand called MindShift Gear, I decided to take a look. With the same attention to quality and detail, MindShift Gear is tackling a different segment […]

Four Simple No-Cost Steps To Being The Best Photographer You Can Be

I’m going to share an exercise with you that is so simple, some of you may have trouble believing it can work. But it does. Over the years I’ve shared this with hundreds of photographers – in person, at workshops, seminars, etc. I’ve also extended this information via blogs and podcasts to countless thousands. Of […]

The Final 2% – Intruder Cleanup Of Your Photographs

I have been talking about going to work to find that last two percent of every photograph that can be improved. In today’s simple illustration I’ll show you two images. The first is un-retouched. It features a cormorant and if you look closely at the bottom right of the image, you’ll see another bird extended […]

Thoughts About Using A 2X Teleconverter In Photography

I have a love/hate relationship with teleconverters (also called telephoto extenders or telex tenders – TC.) When I was a young man and dead broke, I used them to try to get more focal length and hated the results. Then again, when I was young, the quality of the average teleconverter was horrible and my […]

First Pass – Editing Your Photographs

You’re going to come back from photo trips with lots of pictures. If you’re not careful, you’ll soon be drowning in pictures, unable to find the ones you really need while storing and managing those that you don’t want. The secret to easy picture management is to toss out, reject/archive or delete as many as […]

Photographing La Jolla Cove’s Brown Pelican Colony

I was lucky enough recently to get another opportunity to photograph California Brown Pelicans, a subspecies of P. occidentalis, – the smallest member of the pelican family at LaJolla Cove near San Diego. On and off over the last 20 years I’ve visited this location during the second/third week of January when the pelicans are […]