Thanks For The Memories

A few years ago I sold to my pal Rich Harrington, but I stuck around on a consulting basis just to make sure that the transition went smoothly for everyone and frankly because it’s hard to let go of something I spent so long working on. It’s hard to move on from a community…

Alaska Eagle Photography Diary 2017 – Part 3

(NOTE: All photographs Copyright Scott Bourne – All Rights Reserved.) As I write this I am in the airport waiting to fly home to Seattle. I’ve spent 15 fantastic days in Alaska co-leading an eagle photography workshop with my friend Robert O’Toole. We had two groups, each working with us for five days. Each group…

Perfectly Clear Complete Version 3.0 – A Quick Look

As anyone who is remotely paying attention here at Photofocus already knows, Perfectly Clear is a sponsor of this site (this means they pay dollars so we can pay our authors and web bills). But long before they came on board to help us reach the photography audience, Photofocus Publisher Rich Harrington and I were…

Think Tank Photo’s Airport TakeOff 2.0 – First Look

Anyone who’s been a regular reader here knows my philosophy on camera bags. You can never have too much money, too much hard drive space or too many camera bags. I like to configure my camera bags with different systems for different uses. Sometimes I use bags strictly to carry my camera TO the field,…

Alaska Eagle Photography Diary 2017 – Part 2

I am lucky enough to be working with master bird photographer and tour leader Robert O’Toole as I co-lead a pair of eagle photography workshops in Alaska. It’s Robert’s 12th year (Consecutive), my 19th year (Not consecutive.) We’ve had extremely sunny days here in Alaska for the first few days of Workshop #1. The attendees have…

Alaska Eagle Photography Diary 2017 – Part 1

I really, really didn’t think I could be this lucky but it turns out I was wrong. I am this lucky. I am making yet another journey north to photograph eagles and co-teach two workshops with my good friend Robert O’Toole. We’re heading up near Homer, AK where there are tons of bald eagles. Combined,…

Olympus Trade-In Program Announced

Olympus and B&H have partnered to make it easier than ever to acquire Olympus gear. Check it out at B&H. They’re offering a trade-in and trade-up event. Simply take any unwanted ohoto gear that you have. You will receive $200.00 off your purchase of each select Olympus Camera & Lens, for a total of $800.00 +…

My Five Favorite Adobe Lightroom Keyboard Shortcuts

I admit that I resisted as long as I could. For many years I was an Aperture user and refused to learn Adobe Lightroom. Then Apple decided to become a watch company and they dropped Aperture. Lightroom became my only real option. It was more difficult for me at first than it probably was/will be…

The Birth Of A Great Photograph

Great photographs rarely just happen. They usually take a great deal of work. Ansel Adams said “I don’t take photographs I make photographs.” So what goes into the birth of a photograph? What’s involved in making an image. There’s more to it than most people think. Let’s look at the basic ingredients. Your situation may…