Essential Travel Camera Gear

Getting to take pictures with DSLR or mirrorless camera gear while traveling is thrilling. You don’t know when you’ll return to the location, and you want to capture every important moment while you’re there. Packing the right equipment ensures your camera stays safe and you maximize your shooting potential while you’re traveling. Camera bag or […]

Ways to Create a Blurry Background in Your Photos

Depth of field refers to the amount of photo in focus. One reason many people purchase a DSLR camera is to blur their backgrounds with ease. Creating a creamy, blurred background helps a subject “pop” or stand out from the background. The following tips will help you create this desired blur. Gain an understanding of […]

Create Timeless Images with History-Making Gear

When you’re in a creative rut, experimenting with new gear offers the perfect opportunity to challenge yourself. Consider investing in one or more the following scene-setters to create new classic, timeless photos and video. Angenieux Optimo Lenses Pierre Angenieux was a French engineer and optician and one of the inventors of the modern zoom lens. […]

The Most Common Photography Website Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Your website is your single most important online asset for marketing your photography business. A poorly functioning website can negate all of your other online marketing efforts, driving away potential clients and leaving existing clients wondering whether or not they should hire you again. The following website problems are common but easy to fix. Making […]

5 Reasons to Shoot With a 50mm Prime Lens

When you bought your DSLR camera, most likely it came with a kit lens. Modern kit lenses are a great pace to start. However, after a while, you may find yourself itching to try other lenses. There are so many lenses on the market that it’s often overwhelming narrowing down one or two lenses to […]

Tips for Improving Your Fall Photography

The vivid colors of fall offer nearly endless opportunities for photography. Everywhere you look, it seems as though another great photo is presenting itself. Brush up on a few tips before heading out for shoots this fall to make the most of the gorgeous season. Choose your locations carefully Researching locations ahead of time allows […]

Best Portrait Lenses Under $500

Professional portrait photographers tend to gravitate toward the high-end portrait lenses, such as the Canon EF 85mm f/1.2 or the Nikon 85mm f/1.4G. If you aren’t satisfied with the performance and features of your kit lens but aren’t ready to drop $1,500 or more on a high-end lens, consider one or more of the following […]