Photographer of the Day: Martin Bishop

Category: Outdoors Photographer: Martin Bishop “Fishing Boat Anchored in Cullercoats Bay” There is beauty in simplicity, and our Photographer of the Day, Martin Bishop, has done a great job of creating a simply beautiful photograph. The silhouette of the fishing boat back-lit by the sun has a wonderful graphic quality to it, and is a pleasure…

Photographer of the Day: John Atkins

Category: Wildlife Photographer: John Atkins “Goldfinch 26/02/17 ( 2 )” Creating photos of small birds can be a challenge, and to create such a stunning capture as this is no small thing. John Atkins, our Photographer of the Day, did a wonderful job of filling the frame, nailing focus, and creating a very pleasing composition with…

Photographer of the Day: Andrew Slater

Category: Nature Photographer: Andrew Slater “Abandoned Solitude” I’m always a sucker for a good sunrise/sunset, but I think Andrew Slater captured a real winner here. The leading lines of the abandoned structure jutting into the mist-like water is a perfect foreground element, while the contrasts of the smooth water and the textured structure add further…

Photographer of the Day: Arenkert

Category: Outdoors Photographer: Arenkert “Trees in golden light” They say a photograph is all about the light, and Arenkert, Photographer of the Day, created an image that is all about that golden light. The white of the snow contrasts wonderfully with the dark trees, which recede into distance creating depth. The warmth of the light wrapping…

Happy Birthday Lightroom! Let’s Look Back on Lightroom Version 1

My colleague Victoria Bampton reminded me that February 19th marks the 10th anniversary of the launch of Lightroom 1.0. She has a wonderful post that takes a walk down the Lightroom memory lane highlighting some of the significant changes over the years. This got me thinking of what it was like working with Lightroom 1…

Photographer of the day: Mark Zukowski

Category: Outdoors Photographer: Mark Zukowski “Mustard at Dawn, Sonoma Valley” Photographer of the Day, Mark Zukowski, has proven that it pays to get up early for the shot. We all know this to be true, but it doesn’t make it any easier to rise from our warm beds some days, but I’m really glad Mark did.…

Photographer of the Day: Jong Soo Lee

Category: Nature Photographer: Jong Soo Lee “Wave melody” Photographer of the Day, Jong Soo Lee, created a beautiful photograph that has a perfect foreground with visual interest that extends deep into the image wrapped in gorgeous light. A feast for the eyes! Thanks for sharing with our group. Originally shared on the Photofocus Group on Flickr here.…

Photographer of the Day: Martijn van der Nat

Category: Outdoor Photographer: Martijn van der Nat “Windmill Sunrise” Photographer of the Day, Martijn van der Nat, has captured what I think of as the quintessential Dutch landscape photo. The amazing sky, reflected in the water along with the iconic windmill and wooden bridge. I just love it, and would have enjoyed sipping a hot coffee while…

Photographer of the Day: Jason Hahn

Category: Outdoors Photographer: Jason Hahn “Cowboy Campfire” Photographer of the Day, Jason Hahn, has done a fantastic job of capturing the essence of a cowboy campfire. From the glow of the fire, to the glow in the sky, it conveys the time of day and sets the mood. The one man tending the food being cooked, while…

Photographer of the Day: Gareth Thompson

Category: Outdoors Photographer: Gareth Thompson “Durdle Door” Photographer of the Day, Gareth Thompson, has created a stunning photograph of this famous natural arch on the coast of England. Rich saturated colors of sunset are reflected in the water and the grasses lend a feeling of warmth to the photo. The curving steps lead the eye down…