Macphun Tip: Master Luminar Adjustment Layers

Are you looking for an easier way to take control in Luminar from Macphun?  Well the answer is simple… Adjustment Layers.  Rather than putting all your adjustments on the original photo, consider using one or more Adjustment Layers for precise control. What’s an Adjustment Layer? Luminar offers a special type of layer to precisely edit…

DSLR Video Weekly: Why Is DSLR Video So Popular?

This is article #1 in the DSLR Video Weekly series.  If you’d like the whole thing in one shot, check out the book Creating DSLR Video: From Snapshots to Great Shots. Whether you stumbled across the video options in your DSLR camera or specifically selected your camera with video shooting in mind, I welcome you to the…

Building a Photography Portfolio to Get Work

If you want a job, you need a portfolio.  Sure a good-looking résumé with excellent credentials and references will seal the deal, but employers and clients want proof.  How do I know?  Well, I’ve been on both sides of the table.  I have interviewed for plenty of jobs over the years (some staff others freelance). …

The Ultimate GoPro 5 Kit

I do a lot of shooting with GoPro cameras.  They offer a great size to price to performance ratio and really allow for some creative work. The thing is, the more you shoot with GoPros, the more accessories and gadgets you collect.  The GoPro camera is all about getting unique angles and point of view…

Creating Custom Presets with Macphun Luminar

Have you checked out Luminar yet?  It’s a cool new app from the folks at Macphun and it makes it very easy to create your own preset recipes.  With more than 30 filters to choose from (plus blending modes) a preset can go a long way. Customizing Presets Remember, a preset in Luminar is merely…

Selecting Storage for Photo and Video Editing

When it comes time to edit your video or photos, the hard drives you use are going to have a huge impact on the performance of your system. No matter how much RAM you have or how powerful of a video card, you just won’t get real-time performance if your drives are a bottleneck. Important…

There’s No Replacement for Microphone Placement

Trying to record sound with your video? Having a good microphone is nearly worthless if you don’t put it in the right position. The closer you can get the mic to the source of the audio the stronger the signal. Skimp on taking the time to position and test your mics and you run the risk…

Batch Renaming Photos and Videos in Adobe Bridge

One of the key functions of Adobe Bridge is renaming your digital media. This can come in handy with digital camera files because they are likely named with a combination of letters and a progressive numbering system.Eventually these names and numbers repeat themsleves. Fortunately, Bridge makes it easy to rename several files at one time:…