DSLR Video Weekly: A Stable Platform to Shoot From

This is article #3 in the DSLR Video Weekly series.  If you’d like the whole thing in one shot, check out the book Creating DSLR Video: From Snapshots to Great Shots. When you shoot photos with a DSLR, hand holding the camera is pretty easy. With each click of the shutter you’re essentially freezing motion. Unfortunately, this…

DSLR Video Weekly: Choosing Lenses

This is article #3 in the DSLR Video Weekly series.  If you’d like the whole thing in one shot, check out the book Creating DSLR Video: From Snapshots to Great Shots. When you bought your DSLR camera, it may have included one lens, which is often referred to as a kit lens. This is a great starting…

Macphun Tip: Add a Beautiful Glow with Image Radiance

If you’re working with Macphun’s Luminar, be sure to try out the Image Radiance filter. The use of the Image Radiance filter is the perfect finishing touch for many photos.  It works by softening image luminescence, essentially making the brighter areas less intense and blurrier.  It then boosts the contrast and saturation. Using the Image Radiance effect Would…

DSLR Video Weekly: More Power for the Camera

This is article #3 in the DSLR Video Weekly series.  If you’d like the whole thing in one shot, check out the book Creating DSLR Video: From Snapshots to Great Shots. How many DSLR camera batteries do you own? If the answer is less than three, you should probably plan on picking up more. You see, when…

DSLR Video Weekly: Memory Cards—Lots of ’em

This is article #3 in the DSLR Video Weekly series.  If you’d like the whole thing in one shot, check out the book Creating DSLR Video: From Snapshots to Great Shots. When you start shooting DSLR video, two facts will become clear. Memory cards are the fuel for your engine, and your engine runs hot. Essentially, when…

DSLR Video Weekly: Choosing a Camera for DSLR Video

This is article #3 in the DSLR Video Weekly series.  If you’d like the whole thing in one shot, check out the book Creating DSLR Video: From Snapshots to Great Shots. It’s important to understand the role equipment plays in capturing great footage. If you put the right tools in the wrong hands, you’ll get subpar results.…