How to create a strong focal point and manage attention inside your photographs

Focal point is a term that photographers and photography blogs throw around continually. “Create a focal point,” it’s said, “it should be the first and last place the eye goes in your image.” That’s true, of course, but like most important things it’s easier said than done. A strong focal point is better thought of […]

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How to Get Better at Photography – and stick with it forever

I think you can look around at a lot of the content based around photography on the internet and extract a theme: People want to be better photographers. At the lower levels of the hobby that’s fairly easy. There are a lot of concrete skills and tips to pick up and integrate that are available […]

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How to Get Better at Photography – and stick with it forever

I think you can look around at a lot of the content based around photography on the internet and extract a theme: People want to be better photographers. At the lower levels of the hobby that’s fairly easy. There are a lot of concrete skills and tips to pick up and integrate that are available […]

The post How to Get Better at Photography – and stick with it forever appeared first on DIY Photography.

What I’ve learned fifteen years into photography

I’ve been doing this long enough that I honestly can’t remember why or how I started. I mean, I remember my origin story… but as an adult I also know that is probably a distillation and summary of what exactly went on. There are no easy lessons now. Fifteen year lessons: Photography is communication. Why […]

The post What I’ve learned fifteen years into photography appeared first on DIY Photography.