Succeeding with your goals this year

Succeeding with your goals this year It’s February, how are your goals coming? Let’s revist how you are setting your goals and some tips to keep them going. It’s easy to set goals. We all can do it? How many of us have set goals and never reached them? We all have. We may do […]

Fixing (and Organizing) Holiday and Vacation Photos

Okay…  you made it through the holiday season… chances are you have a ton of photos that you’ve taken of your family and your trip.  Now its time to get those images organized and processed to look their best. This webinar will help you get your holiday and vacation photos looking great.  you’ll learn how […]

New Camera? Now What?

It’s exciting getting your very first digital camera. Whether you have a DSLR, Mirrorless or even a point and shoot, learning it can be overwhelming. At times, it’s okay to put it in auto mode. As long as you are taking pictures, you are going to keep getting better. In fact, as I was learning […]

Q and A Podcast: What questions do you want answered?

This upcoming podcast, Richard and I will sit down to go over several reader’s questions. Anything regarding gear, business questions, recent photography news, lighting and more. If there’s something you want explained, post your question in the comments below. We will take a handful of questions and mention your name in the podcast. Follow Pamela […]

Stop Obsessing over Stats and SEO!

Great you finally have your website up and going. You have set up stat counter and google analytics. A few weeks later you check your stats and you don’t have any visitors. You start internet searching and everything is overwhelming. A Quick Explanation on How Search Engines Work As you can imagine there are billions of […]

How to Photograph and Composite the Moon

Getting great shots of the moon is not as easy as it sounds.  I recently tried to get some new shots and learned a few things along the way. Scouting the Shot One of the first things I needed to do was scout my location. I had to rely on internet and an app called […]

How to create your own Preset in Adobe Lightroom

I have a couple presets I use often. Some I created from scratch and a few I’ve tweaked off of other presets I’ve collected over the years. I find if I shoot certain events, I know exactly how I need to tweak things. Instead of having to make the adjustments on every image, just save a […]