
Photo Walk Like a Boss

Today is Scott Kelby’s 8th Annual Photo Walk and with almost 1,000 walks scheduled around the world, it’s your best chance to get out and photo walk like a boss. While the event is today, you should still find many events still have slots open and you can go walk and meet new friends. Use the […]

Photo Walk Like a Boss

Today is Scott Kelby’s 8th Annual Photo Walk and with almost 1,000 walks scheduled around the world, it’s your best chance to get out and photo walk like a boss. While the event is today, you should still find many events still have slots open and you can go walk and meet new friends. Use the […]

Fools Don’t Bring Tools – Photography Multitools Compared

As a landscape photographer and workshop leader, I’ve seen many gear failures. Tripod legs fall apart, ballheads bind up, and tiny screws come loose all of the time. When you are miles from your car and your gear fails, a quick field repair will save your shoot and preserve your sanity. As a die-hard gear […]

Apple’s New iPad Pro – Laptop Killer or Just a Bigger iPad?

Apple took the lid off their long-anticipated large-format iPad this week and as people line up for and against the new tablet I sat down with Jeff Carlson to discuss what the new technology means to photographers. Carlson is the author of the book, The iPad for Photographers, which is currently in its third edition with […]

Get To The Choppuh! – Make the Most of Photographing From a Helicopter

Editor’s Note: Welcome to new Photofocus contributor Mason Marsh. He’s a Portland, Oregon based photographer, workshop leader, educator and guide. We’re glad to add him to the team.   While drone photography is all the rage these days, there is nothing like taking to the sky in person to elevate your photography and get your heart […]