Photofocus Podcast April 14, 2016 — Inspiration with Scott Bourne & Marco Larousse

On this Inspiration episode of the Photofocus podcast Scott and Marco discuss these topics: Get to know an inspirational photographer: This month Scott introduce you to the professional nature photographer John Shaw. John’s work has been published in National Geographic, National Wildlife, Outdoor Photographer and many other publications. John has photographed every continent, from the…

Photographer of the day: Michael Duke

Category: Street. Photograph: “DSCF7995” by Michael Duke (username “Michael Duke” on Flickr). Originally shared on the Photofocus Flickr community right here. Why I picked this image: Laundromats have always been interesting to me as they are a public place for the rather intimate chore of washing ones dirty clothes. And this can make it a bit of a…

Photographer of the day: Naf Selmani

Category: Street. Photograph: “Life Me Up” by Naf Selmani (username “Naf Selmani” on Flickr). Originally shared on the Photofocus Flickr community right here. Why I picked this image:  Parades, festivities and concerts are a good place for people and street photography. There are plenty of people and many of them have a higher expectation of being photographed. This…

Photographer of the day: Hassan Askafi

Category: Street. Photograph: “Past & Present” by Hassan Askafi (username “Hassan Askafi” on Flickr). Originally shared on the Photofocus Flickr community right here. Why I picked this image: Hassan captured a beautiful and strong unposed human moment with his image “Past & Present”. Technically the B&W conversion is superb and I really like that he chose to zoom…

Photo of the day: waiting in a colored world

Category: Street. Photograph: “waiting in a colored world” by Mark Meyer zur Heide (username “Mark Meyer zur Heide” on Flickr). Originally shared on the Photofocus Flickr community right here. Why I picked this image: This image is taken in a stunning location that would work as a fantastic architecture image by itself the way it is. But the addition…

Photo of the day: Bejing :: Broken into Pieces

Category: Street. Photograph: “Bejing :: Broken into Pieces” by Alexander Mueller (username “Alexander Mueller” on Flickr). Originally shared on the Photofocus Flickr community right here. Why I picked this image: A street photo that spurs my interest in finding out more about the scene or the person that is shows always catches my attention. And this image certainly does fall into…

Photo of the day: Kiss in Girona

Category: Street. Photograph: “Kiss in Girona” by Jordi Corbilla (username “Jordi Corbilla” on Flickr). Originally shared on the Photofocus Flickr community right here. Why I picked this image: As a street photographer I do encounter many scenes of people kissing in public. And each time I have to make a decision if it is ok for […]