Am I Making Art?

I grew up an “art kid”. I was always in love with art class. I took up drawing and painting at an early age. My parents always enrolled me in some sort of after school or summer art program. As I got older, I focused on every honors and advanced placement art class I could…

Photographer of The Day: Ryan Southen

Category: Wedding Photographer: Ryan Southen I chose this image because of the magical quality it evokes. The wall of twinkle lights surrounds the couple with warmth and light. Also, the tilt shift technique used for the area of focus is one of my favorite looks.  It focuses your attention on what’s important, while being subtle.…

Photographer of The Day: Ryan Katsanes

Category: Wedding Photographer: Ryan Katsanes I chose this image for Wedding Photo of The Day because I thought it was a great example of getting to know your clients. Weddings are not one size fits all, so why should the photography be one size fits all? Ryan obviously found out that baseball was something important…

You Don’t Have To

“When clients demand something, it’s mediocre at best. You don’t have to shoot it the way they want you to shoot it.” Ewan and Brianna Phelan (out of this world amazing boudoir photographers you can read about here) said this once at a seminar I was lucky enough to be present for and the statement…

Photo of The Day: Weddings

Category: Wedding Photographer: Ryan Katsanes I chose this image for Wedding Photo of The Day because I thought it was a great example of getting to know your clients. Weddings are not one size fits all, so why should the photography be one size fits all? Ryan obviously found out that baseball was something important…

Focus On Your Subject By Using Layers

There are many ways that we, as photographers, bring focus to the subjects of our photos. We use light and shadow, composition, and focal points. One of my favorite ways of bringing focus to my subjects that isn’t one of those options is  to layer found elements of the environment. Layers can be created from […]

Photo of the Day: Weddings

Category: Wedding Photographer: Hugo Hernandez I chose this image for Wedding Photo of The Day because I thought it was an excellent example of using off camera lighting to balance the exposure of the couple with the exposure of the beautiful sunset in the background. Getting this balance can be tricky when starting out with […]

Handling Difficult Family Members on Wedding Day

Let’s be real. Weddings can be beyond challenging. There are enough things to worry about as a photographer (timelines always running behind, crummy lighting conditions, weather issues, creativity blocks) without having to worry about family members throwing yet another wrench into you plan A, B, C, D, or even plan E. Yet, throw wrenches they […]

Photo of The Day: Weddings

Category: Wedding Photographer: Nestor M. Montañez I chose this image for Wedding Photo of The Day because I enjoyed the simple, sweet moment that was captured. I love that the exposure captured the warmth of the setting sun. I also appreciate the genuine expressions of the couple. Photo originally shared on our Photofocus Facebook Group […]

Photo of The Day: Weddings

Category: Wedding Photographer: Nestor M. Montañez I chose this image for Wedding Photo of The Day because I enjoyed the simple, sweet moment that was captured. I love that the exposure captured the warmth of the setting sun. I also appreciate the genuine expressions of the couple. Photo originally shared on our Photofocus Facebook Group […]