The Daguerreotype

As is often the case with history, it seems that time moves slowly until it explodes in a flurry of invention and then seemingly all at once everything changes. To me, this feels especially true in photography. In my previous articles, the sheer expanse of time from the first inklings of photographic concepts to the…

The Beginning & Camera Obscura

The history of photography is vast and fascinating. It didn’t develop like other art forms and comparatively, photography is in its’ infancy. Looking at where our craft came from is a great way to find new appreciation and inspiration for your work in the future. While not a complete history of photography, this weekly column…

Drobo migration from Drobo to Drobo5D

Since I’ve gotten a Drobo, I have to say, I really enjoy it. It’s nice having a user friendly RAID array of drives not just for the capacity they provide, but for the data protection they provide. In case you’re wondering about more reasons why you’d want one, check out this previous Photofocus article here.…

Lens Choice is Everything

I absolutely love my Sigma Art 35mm lens. I “see” the world at a 35mm focal length. Everywhere I look, whenever I imagine photos, it’s at 35mm. Unfortunately for my job shooting weddings, 35mm is not the best choice for one of the most important parts of the day; the family portraits. Wider angled lenses…

Photographer of The Day: Ar’alani

Category: Wedding Photographer: Ar’alani I love the leading lines of the bridge toward the couple and, Ar’alani’s expertise of placing them in the perfect ray of light coming through the forest is just beautiful! Photo originally shared on our Photofocus Flickr Page here. To learn how your work can be featured on the site, please…

Photographer of The Day: Ben Cobb

Category: Wedding Photographer: Ben Cobb I chose this image for Ben’s creative use of shooting through water (or a fountain). It frames the couple beautifully and creates a magical element to the photo. Photo originally shared on our Photofocus Flickr Page here. To learn how your work can be featured on the site, please read…

Photographer of The Day: Stephen Wolfe

Category: Wedding Photographer: Stephen Wolfe I adore the recreation of the classic “American Gothic” painting. Stephen did a great job paying homage to such an iconic image but still showing his clients’ personalities. Photo originally shared on our Photofocus Flickr Page here. To learn how your work can be featured on the site, please read…

Photographer of The Day: Martin Reisch

Category: Wedding Photographer: Martin Reisch I love the quiet and solitude Martin captured in this image. It creates a timeless romantic feel that is just beautiful! Photo originally shared on our Photofocus Flickr Page here. To learn how your work can be featured on the site, please read this article. Lisa is a D.C. area…

Photographer of The Day: Arvind Ramachander

Category: Wedding Photographer: Arvind Ramachander I chose this moment because it is one of my favorite moments in Hindu wedding ceremonies. It’s a fun and lighthearted ritual which is exciting and colorful. Arvind captured the emotion and the chaotic moment with ease and giving the rest of the world a glimpse into this wedding tradition…