Light Stand Basics Part 1

After a camera and a tripod, a light stand is the one piece of equipment I use more than anything else. For a long time (too long) I used assistants (like my wife) to hold lights and reflectors for portraits and product photography. Once I started using light stands, I had much better results because…

DJI’s Phantom 4: A Photographer’s Take

At least as much as anyone, I’m intrigued by drones. I’ve always wanted to be a pilot, I’m reading a book on the Wright Brothers right now, I fly every chance I get, and if I ever have a first born son, I’m torn between naming him Bernoulli or Orville. I’m crazy about flying, but […]

Modifying Speedlights & Magmod Mini Review

Making great light is essential to making great portraits. And I mean that: you’ve got to make great light. You can find a good source of available light, but I’ve rarely seen any available light that couldn’t be made better, either with reflectors and flags or by adding light somewhere with a flash. When you […]

Close-Up with a Tilt Lens: Lensbaby Edge 50 Mini Review

I really enjoy close-up photography, so when my daughter had a dance recital recently, I had ulterior motives for buying her a bouquet of flowers. Right after she was in bed, I set about photographing her flowers. In this case, I wanted to put a new lens through its paces, and this lens is uniquely […]

Learn to Leverage Powerful Prints at WPPI

When I started photography in high school, I spent the majority of my time in the darkroom making prints from the few negatives I shot. It took a lot of time to finally see what I’d recorded on film. When I started digital photography I the complete opposite experience. I could now see my photographs […]

Book Review: Rick Sammon’s Creative Visualization for Photographers

Rick Sammon has a super power: he makes any photographic technique or concept simple to understand. It’s really an incredible talent he has cultivated, and he turns it loose to help photographers. He’s been teaching a long time, and his latest book is a culmination of a lifetime of learning, shooting, and teaching. Rick Sammon’s […]

Lightroom Hangout: Lies Cameras Tell

You gotta join us live for our next Google+ Hangout, totally free of charge. Not only will you learn terrific techniques, but if you tune in live, you can be entered to win excellent prizes to help you in your work. (Note: MUST BE TUNED IN LIVE TO WIN). We’ll be giving away a copy of Perfectly Clear from Athentech. […]

Shooting Landscapes? Go the Extra Mile

Landscape photography brings its own rewards. Being in a beautiful place at a tranquil time of day is therapeutic. Add good company, and it doesn’t really matter if you make any good pictures because the experience alone was worthwhile. For instance, I visited my parents, recently, and my dad and I awoke early to photograph […]

Lightroom Hangout: Lies Cameras Tell

You gotta join us live for our next Google+ Hangout, totally free of charge. Not only will you learn terrific techniques, but if you tune in live, you can be entered to win excellent prizes to help you in your work. (Note: MUST BE TUNED IN LIVE TO WIN). We’ll be giving away a copy of Perfectly Clear from Athentech. […]

Don’t Waste Your Time: Light the Room

We all have times when we’re waiting for something—maybe the doctor’s office, or a meal at restaurant, or at the auto shop—and many times we spend that time checking Instagram with our eyes glued to our phones. I’d like to suggest a more productive use of your time that will exercise your mind and make […]