Is ON1’s Photo RAW Good Enough to Switch?

It takes a powerful incentive to make people want to change their habits–especially photographers. We invest a lot of time, money, and effort to learn to use a tool, so when something new comes along it has to be significantly better for us to reinvest in mastering it. Well, ON1’s new Photo RAW may be…

Understanding Flash Sync Speed (It’s Simple)

I’m wholeheartedly opposed to being only a “Natural Light” photographer. I can’t imagine being limited to only working with the light available on hand. I have so much fun using strobes (which are the same as flashes) to light my work and help me create in any situation. However, there are some challenges to working…

Lens Review: Lensbaby Twist 60

This new Twist 60 lens from Lensbaby has my full attention right now. There are always new lenses boasting extreme sharpness or wide apertures or super telephoto, but Lensbaby steps aside from the sharper-faster-longer race and makes tools that actually help me be more creative. In short, it’s a marvelous hunk of metal and glass, it’s…

Find Great Light on the Porch

We love to use natural light, and even when I have to shoot in the studio, I’m usually trying to mimic natural light. While not all natural light is great light, one simple quality to search for is light falling from the side. In the studio, I put my softbox the side, maybe slightly higher…

Instant Replay: Panoramas and HDR with Ron Pepper

Join Rob Sylvan and Levi Sim with their special guest Ron Pepper, a photographer who makes a living shooting panoramic and HDR photographs. Pepper puts these special photographic techniques to incredible uses, and he’s a wiz. We’ll show you what scenes make a great panorama or HDR, how to keep it organized, how to put it together…

Simplest Way to Get a Great Background Anywhere

Anytime there is good light, I try to make a portrait. It keeps me sharp, and it’s fun. I often approach strangers when there’s good light and say, “Hi, I’m practicing my photography, and there’s some great light right here, would you help me make a portrait?” I’ve met hundreds of wonderful people this way,…

Instant Replay: Roundtrip Workflow in Lightroom and Photoshop

Lightroom and Photoshop are the perfect combination for finishing your photographs, and used together properly you can stay organized and move quickly through your workflow. Our special guest will be Image Wrangler, Lesa Snider, and she’ll share her wisdom to keep your workflow flowing. Hosted by: Rob Sylvan & Levi Sim Produced by: Richard Harrington…