Lee Varis’ 10-Channel Workflow – Part-3

Picking up where we left off in part-2… Now for the really fun stuff… make a new empty layer at the top of the layer stack. Then select Image-> Apply Image… from the menu bar at the top… We are going to grab a copy of the b channel from the Lab document and put…

Lee Varis’ 10-Channel Workflow – part-2

Picking up where we left off in part-1… Now lets look at enhancing the color saturation. Of course this could be done with a Hue/Saturation adjustment, but we will do this another way to gain access to the channels of the Lab version of this image. Duplicate the document (Image-> Duplicate…) check the Merged Layers…

Lee Varis’ 10-Channel Workflow – part-1

Despite the wishes of most avid photographers, the photographic image is not really finished at the moment of capture. Every image can benefit with some level of post processing, even if it is just a modest adjustment in white balance or contrast. Most people never realize the potential of a captured image because they stop…

Channel Blending: From Color to B&W and Back again

Channel Blending for Tone Control I’d like to share an advanced concept for tone control in Photoshop. This channel blending idea forms the basis of my 10-Channel Workflow for digital photography. Lets start with this colorful image of a sunflower… It is important to realize that all digital photographs are captured as three B&W images…

Fujifilm X100F – Star of the Street

The Camera that’s Just Enough for Most Everything I had the great fortune to beta test the newest iteration of Fujifilm’s X100, the X100F — the little camera that could! This camera occupies an odd niche in that its a fixed lens mirrorless, that is much more than just a point-and-shoot, but not an interchangeable-lens “system,” with a…

Lightening Dark Skin with Luminosity Blending – part-2

This is part 2 of a detailed article.  Be sure to also check out part 1. We saw how to lighten dark skin using the red channel luminosity in my last post. This post explores an additional technique to “Pop” the highlights for further lightening. The idea here is to emphasize just the highlight portion of…

Lightening Dark Skin with Luminosity Blending – part-1

When you intent to print photos, its often a good idea to lighten skin tones a bit.  Dark skin tone can often pose a problem in print. Skin can get a muddy, plugged up look even with a high quality inkjet print. The trick is how to lighten it in a natural way that doesn’t…