Camping on Vancouver Island: A Road Trip in 60 Photos

Sometimes we’re so naive it’s hilarious. “Hey, wouldn’t it be fun to CAMP all across Vancouver Island for two weeks?” “Totally! But do you think it matters that we’ve only ever camped ONCE before (and nearly froze), and have NEVER been with our toddler?” “Probably not!” “Cool, let’s do it!” Rob and I are the […]

Review of the Sony RX100 III: Field Test in Rio de Janeiro!

We’ve travelled around the world with bags bursting full of camera gear. We lugged our DSLRs up the Andes and through the Amazon, and toted a full size tripod across India. So when we headed to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to take in the 2014 FIFA World Cup, what did we pack? Only a tiny little […]

Our Trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for World Cup 2014

Last week we got back from our adventure to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for World Cup 2014. We’re still trying to catch up on sleep, and Max is still waking up on Rio time (4am, ouch!). But more than anything, we still have Rio on the brain. This city really stole our hearts. Here’s a […]

We’re Heading To Rio With (Only) The Sony RX100 III

When our close friends asked us if we wanted to join them in Rio de Janeiro for World Cup 2014 we didn’t hesitate – a good adventurer always says yes to a once-in-a-lifetime experience. But as we got closer and closer to the trip, and started to actually try to figure out the logistics, we were […]

How To Prepare For A Photography Trip

In less than one week we will be getting on a plane to go to Brazil, to watch the end of World Cup 2014 in Rio de Janeiro. (!!!) But even though the trip is still a ways away, we’ve already been preparing for weeks, especially when it comes to the photography side of things. There’s not […]

10 Mistakes You Need To Make When Learning Photography

Mistakes are powerful learning experiences. As much as they feel like a failure, they are, in fact, growth in progress. And for that reason, making mistakes as you learn photography is just a natural part of the process of developing as a shooter. Here are 10 mistakes that many photographers make. They are ones that we’ve […]

New Retouching Tutorial + A Sweet Contest!

Hey friends! I have exciting news for you today! We’ve just launched a brand spankin’ new tutorial designed to help you get serious retouching skills, fast! It’s called Really Easy Retouching and I’m so excited to get to share it with you! Retouching can add a level of polish to your photos that you simply […]