Let’s Stop Telling People They Aren’t Photographers, Mmmkay?

For many, many years I’ve seen something going on in the photography industry that isn’t just mean, it’s plain wrong. Does this sound familiar? “Just because you own a camera doesn’t make you a photographer!” “These newbies buy a camera, start taking lots of photos, and think they’re photographers. They’re not!” “Everyone and their dog […]

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We Have A Winner For Our $500 B&H Giftcard Giveaway…

We just wrapped up the awesome $500 B&H Giftcard giveaway, and the winner is… Cheryle! A big congrats to you!! Hope you get yourself something super fun for your photography! Thank you so much to everyone who entered, and an extra thank you to everyone who checked out our new tutorial, Fantastic Fundamental Light Skills! […]

The post We Have A Winner For Our $500 B&H Giftcard Giveaway… appeared first on Photography Concentrate.

Whales in the Mist: How to Get Great Photos in Foggy Scenes

Your boat bobs gently on the waves. It’s quiet, but tense, as the anticipation mounts. A massive grey whale is about to break the surface of the water only a couple hundred feet in front of you. Your camera is in your hands, ready to shoot. You’re totally prepared to get that once-in-a-lifetime shot. Except […]