How to define the chin on sky-faced subjects.

Really quick and dirty article for you this week on a handy little tip I found myself having to find for a solution to a problem. I was doing a photoshoot with this subject when I noticed how awesome the decking looked, I decided that I wanted to get a…

Figure Ground Relationship – A Key Composition Tool

What is Figure Ground Relationship? Figure Ground Relationship is the relationship of the subject you wish the viewer to focus on and how it relates to the background / foreground. Most people refer to this as a “Silhouette” however it goes much deeper than this. Instead of thinking “This shot works because there’s a silhouette […]

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Aerial Perspective – The depth your images have been consciously missing.

Something I’m going to be touching on today is referred to in the painting world as “Aerial Perspective”, a way, if not “the” way to create depth in your images. When you see pictures of mountains, or landscapes you’ll often notice that they are coated with fog, clouds, smoke, steam, etc in order to make […]

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How to get killer selections with Channels and Vivid Light

Ever since wanting to focus on colour in my images I’ve found that often times due to budget or location, that I just quite simply cannot get the colours I’d like right in the camera. This means that I’ll often have to change colours in post and that, of course, in turn requires decent selections! […]

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How I blended photography and CGI to create a desert door composite

Good morning guys! JP here again with another image breakdown. I’ve been friends with Mario for quite some time now and his recent work just blew me away, so I wanted to get in touch with him and get a step through of his some of his latest work. Today he’ll be sharing how he […]

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The most powerful 10 second toning tip you’ve never heard of!

Here’s a colour toning tip I picked up from Barrington Russell last year and I still use it to this day! What if I told you that within just 10 seconds of your time you could create complementary / harmonious colours on any image? Depending on how much darkness, contrast, light etc is in your […]

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