An extensive checklist (and fixes) for portrait retouching

Happy Easter guys! This week I wanted to give you a handy guide for double-checking that your images (with people in them) are as free from distractions as possible, and how to fix any that appear, before you release them. There is another impressive article on how to do this with videos if you prefer […]

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Want better portraits? Rotate your canvas while retouching.

Once, the idea of rotating my canvas when retouching was jarring to me. I knew it was something my peers were doing but I just couldn’t be bothered to try it myself. After a few one on one lessons where I was “forced” to do it by David Neilands, I actually found a surprising improvement […]

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My dad’s 3MP Fujifilm S1 Pro deals surprisingly well vs my 24MP Sony A7II!

I had the rare pleasure of meeting up with my father this week and on my stop through we came onto the topic of progress. We were sharing ideas of what it was like shooting “back in his day” with a 17year old 3.4MP Fujifilm S1 DSLR vs. my current Sony A7II. For fun, we […]

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Shot a person from below? Fix the perspective with a few clicks

Something came to my attention recently thanks to some feedback from close friends. This was called “Fixing the Keystone” or “Keystoning” and it simply means making sure that your verticals are vertical and horizontals are horizontal. A very simple concept and also one which architectural photographers will have been on top for decades. Here’s how you […]

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A guide on how to approach dodge and burn, what are you trying to fix?

Dodging and Burning images is something that I see every day in photography and it seems to have two purposes: Artistic character and removing luminosity based distractions. Today I’m going to be talking about the latter, removing luminosity based distractions. I’m going to assume you already know how to do dodge and burn (and if […]

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This video shows why it’s crucial to calibrate your monitor

We’ve all heard it right? Calibrate your monitor otherwise, your colours will be different from what they should be, and your photographic work will become a potential mess without you even knowing how badly. I recently sold my ASUS 27″ 4K monitor and side-graded to a 27″ Dell U2713H 1440p one instead. The main reasons being […]

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How to turn off that annoying grid in Photoshop when you zoom in.

Hey, guys! I’ve been working on 4K for the last year, and as such, I have to zoom in quite considerably more than resolutions such as 1080 and 1440 to get to the same level of “zoomed in” view. This extreme zoom-in add a grid to the view. As a photographer and a retoucher, it […]

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How a few pieces of paper helped me recover more detail in my pictures.

I am aiming this week at those of you first getting into photography and looking for a budget friendly way of improving your photos! You see, this week I’m giving some love back to the age old concept of “The best camera is the one you have with you”. By that token, the best reflector […]

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Bright skin, dark clothes, how to keep details on both

This week, I have a pretty well-known tip for the manual HDR types out there. Back in the days, landscape photographers used the shadow and highlight sliders in Photoshop to get the more details out of their files. This was kind of like making an HDR image before “HDR” existed. In time, some started layering files with different […]

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