Scan your old photos more quickly and looking better than ever with Google’s help

Almost all of us have photos stored in a box (or several) somewhere. We know we should be scanning them, keeping digital backups of everything, just in case. We know we should, but most of us don’t. Instead, those photos get left in boxes, and largely forgotten about, except for when that relative you haven’t […]

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Backup in the field to Seagate’s new 5TB drive, the largest portable hard drive ever

With higher megapixel cameras and 4K footage becoming the norm, Raw files and videos are taking up more space than ever before. Large capacity memory cards are cheap enough that you can afford to buy a bunch to keep you going all day. If you own a camera with a dual card slot, then you […]

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This Madrid timelapse shows off a variety of cool techniques and a beautiful city

Some of you might remember Kirill Neiezhmakov. He shot the timelapse sequence of the Dubai luxury hotel fire on New Year’s Eve. In that short, he mixed some real time footage with timelapse footage and zooms to great, but short, effect. Well, Kirill’s back with a new timelapse of Madrid, Spain and he’s taking those techniques […]

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Monty Python stars share their thoughts on selfies in new song

For many, it’s difficult to walk around town without bumping into one or two selfie sticks. Perhaps you’re even the one who’s out there with the selfie stick. Love them or hate them, they’re here to stay. We don’t have to like it, though. And that is expressed brilliantly in this little tune from Monty […]

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Shooting wildlife with a crop sensor vs full frame & 1.4x teleconverter

The crop vs full frame debate will never end. Of that there is little doubt. The truth is, for the vast majority of people out there, there’s really going to be virtually no practical difference between the two. But there are times when one definitely shines over the other. Wildlife is one such case. Camera […]

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How to eliminate sensor dust in Adobe Lightroom

The transition from film to digital eliminated problems that plagued many photographers. Things like reciprocity failure were now a thing of the past. But, it presented a few new challenges, too. The biggest of those is dust. Things have gotten better over the years. We’ve made the shift from CCD to CMOS sensors, which seem […]

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8 fun ideas to spice up your instant photography

Are you feeling a little bored with your instant photography? Looking for new things to try? Well, here comes the Cooperative of Photography with a few suggestions to spice things up a little. Some of the techniques suggested in the video are common with digital photography, but not so much with analogue. Over the past […]

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8 fun ideas to spice up your instant photography

Are you feeling a little bored with your instant photography? Looking for new things to try? Well, here comes the Cooperative of Photography with a few suggestions to spice things up a little. Some of the techniques suggested in the video are common with digital photography, but not so much with analogue. Over the past […]

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