A Complete Picture of a Day in the Field with Joe McNally (Save on Class)

I am honored to announce a teaching collaboration with Rich Harrington and the ThinkTAP Learn group. We have teamed up to produce a series of teaching videos–a five-day assignment, parsed into five teaching videos. The idea was pretty straightforward–create the exact kind of assignment I’ve been doing my whole career–an interrelated set of portraits that…

Five Days in the Field, On Video

I worked with ThinkTAP Learn this past year to put together what is probably the most complete video overview of an assignment I’ve ever participated in. They were there, recording, when I talked to the subjects on the phone, when I thought out the job, and when I was struggling to finish in the field…

In the News….

Shot this in 1980, at the Democratic National Convention, Madison Square Garden. The “Man from Plains” had been chosen this night to be the party’s nominee against Ronald Reagan, staving off a challenge from Teddy Kennedy. The night was …

The post In the News…. appeared first on Joe McNally’s Blog.