Are Your Photos Getting the “Blurts”?

The ultimate compliment for a photo is when it makes someone just blurt out a one syllable word or sound. “Wow”, “ooh”, “awww”, “damn”, “whoa”, “spoon”… you get the idea.  The measure of a photo’s success isn’t if it followed all the “rules”, it’s whether it makes the viewer feel something.  If you get a…

Photographing Wildlife Up Close… the Right Way

Usually, my articles have a lighthearted note, full of photography wit and wisdom (bite your tongue, let me cling to my illusion.) But, I’m going to get a little serious in this one. I am a firm believer that to be a better nature photographer, you have to be a better naturalist – a continuous…

Fast DIY Fix for a Common Camera Error

A sense of dread begins to fill you as frightening words and symbols flash before your eyes. Afraid all is lost, you begin to panic… An error message has appeared on your camera screen! An error message is a sure way to send blood pressure skyrocketing and heart beat racing. Often the messages are cryptic…

Straighten Your Photos with a “Reflection Correction”

One of my favorite features within Lightroom is the Straightening Tool. I have the exceptional ability to consistently produce images with slightly crooked horizons; my theory is that I am somehow 5 degrees off kilter to the planet. The Straightening Tool fixes this quickly and easily; click, drag, fixed! But, you don’t always have a…

How to Make Distortion Disappear with Lightroom’s Transform Tools

Sometimes you look at a photo and you know something just isn’t right.  If there is one thing that will cause that uneasy feeling, it is unfixed lens distortion in a photo.  Our brain knows buildings have straight lines, faces have certain proportions, and animals don’t lean as they are standing.  Curved trees, crooked buildings,…

Getting Creative With Instagram’s Multiple Photos Feature

Recently Instagram added the “multiple photos” feature, where an image post can include up to 10 images and/or videos which you can swipe through.  Although sharing an album of shots from a trip or shoot is the most obvious choice, I am always on the lookout for new ways to share my work and the…

Fast & Easy Photo Keywording from the Cloud

If you ask a random group of photographers what their favorite things about photography are, odds are “spending hours keywording images” is not on anyone’s list! Keywording is a task that is easy to put off. I am guilty of this and quite often behind getting it done. I’ve set aside a specific “keywording” day on the…

IFTTT for Photographers – Part 3: Managing Your Social Media

Are you new to IFTTT? Then check out this article For my two photography businesses, I have about 9 billion different social media services, profiles, portfolio sites, and websites. Well, maybe 9 billion is a slight exaggeration. But, just keeping up with your online presence can turn into a full-time job. I would rather be…

IFTTT for Photographers – Save Time and Get Organized

I love technology and innovation, and thanks to it, the amazing things we can do in photography. But, like many photographers, I confess to excessive grumbling about the amount of time spent in front of the computer and away from the camera.  I am always looking for something that shifts the balance from computer timto…