First look at the Lensbaby Twist 60

I was super excited to hear a few weeks back that Lensbaby had a new lens in the works and even more excited when I heard it was going to be a lens with the swirly bokeh effect. In the past this swirly visual effect had been the money-train for Lomo an…

The Simplest, Fastest and Most Effective One Light Setup I’ve Ever Used

Sometimes, getting a sweet lighting setup is a matter of pure luck and this is the case with this setup. I’ll collect setups like tools, so this one is just another tool in my toolbox now. Anyways, back to the story. Here is my issue, taking a portrait whist using a single key light and […]

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The Reality of Actually Getting Published – A List of 10 Magazines Run by Humans

It’s been the modus operandi for every fashion photographer since light started hitting the silver halides, every single one of us who has been successful in terms of making money from our art has had to be published in magazines in one way or another. Back when the world was a larger place and in a time […]

The post The Reality of Actually Getting Published – A List of 10 Magazines Run by Humans appeared first on DIY Photography.