Boundary Warp in Lightroom CC

The new Boundary Warp feature within Lightroom CC can help you relatively seamlessly fill in the ‘transparent’ areas on your panoramas by intelligently warping the edges without distorting details. Howard Pinsky is an online Photoshop and Lightroom educator, offering over 400 videos. Be sure to follow Howard for more updates by clicking on the links below! Follow on Twitter […]

Place Images and Videos Within Text in Photoshop

In just one minute, learn how to place images and videos within your text in Adobe Photoshop using a Clipping Mask. Disclaimer: Minute Photoshop Tips are not meant to act as full training videos. Their purpose is to give you a glimpse into what’s possible in Photoshop. Howard Pinsky is an online Photoshop and Lightroom educator, offering over […]

The Oil Paint filter is back in Photoshop!

The Oil Paint filter is back in Photoshop! Why was it removed? Your guess is as good as mine, but it’s back! In this tutorial, I take a look at two examples of how it can be used. Howard Pinsky is an online Photoshop and Lightroom educator, offering over 400 videos. Be sure to follow Howard for more […]

The Oil Paint filter is back in Photoshop!

The Oil Paint filter is back in Photoshop! Why was it removed? Your guess is as good as mine, but it’s back! In this tutorial, I take a look at two examples of how it can be used. Howard Pinsky is an online Photoshop and Lightroom educator, offering over 400 videos. Be sure to follow Howard for more […]

How to create snow in Photoshop

In today’s Photoshop tip, learn how to create snow using a custom brush, filters, and an adjustment layer. Similar techniques can be used to create rain, as well! Howard Pinsky is an online Photoshop and Lightroom educator, offering over 400 videos. Be sure to follow Howard for more updates by clicking on the links below! Follow on Twitter Subscribe […]

My Favorite New Photoshop CC Features (Late 2015 Release)

There are a ton of updates in the latest version of Photoshop CC. In this video, I show off a few of my favorites – from artboard improvements, font filtering, the return of the Oil Paint filter, and more! Howard Pinsky is an online Photoshop and Lightroom educator, offering over 400 videos. Be sure to follow Howard for […]

Coming Soon to Photoshop: Editable Toolbars

Coming soon to Adobe Photoshop CC, you’ll be able to edit your toolbars – rearrange tools you use often, hide tools you don’t, and even sync them to the Creative Cloud for on-the-go work.   Howard Pinsky is a Photoshop & Lightroom educator based out of Boulder, Colorado. Since 2007, he has accumulated over 500 free […]

What are Smart Objects in Photoshop?

Editor’s Note: Don’t miss this week’s free event on when to jump from Lightroom to Photoshop.   If you’ve spent any time reading or watching Photoshop tutorials, you’ve likely heard the term Smart Object, usually combined with non-destructive editing, but what exactly is a Smart Object, and how does it differ from it’s dumb alternative? At its core, Smart […]