From press photographer to capturing dying children: John Maniaci’s Journey

“This is the last picture where the family photo will have 5 children instead of 4…” John Maniaci tells me, before trailing off, letting the meaning of that simple sentence sink in. “What I’m doing in the children’s hospital is incredibly powerful.” Some photographers invest their lives in finding beauty in the most unlikely of places. For John Maniaci, […]

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Anker’s PowerCore+ powers your whole photo studio

If you’re a photographer on the move, you’re probably in a constant state of battery anxiety. Many of us carry a couple of USB battery packs with us, but with the new generation of USB-C computers coming to market, it’s possible to charge all of your gadgets – including your laptop -on the go using […]

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Nest Cam could’ve been the ultimate timelapse camera

Nest Cam got a lot of things right when they created their home security camera series. It shows such incredible promise as a powerful timelapse camera, but by screwing up the software, they shot themselves in the foot in what could have been the easiest-to-use high-quality timelapse camera out there. Here’s how they got things wrong, […]

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How to create a Kaleidioscopic effect on your Timelapse videos

A few months ago, I introduced a little hobby project I dubbed CaleidioClouds. It’s not a particularly advanced technique, but the result belies the simplicity of the technique. Essentially, it involves flipping images upside down and back-to-front to create a symmetrical timelapse video. The symmetry is one thing, what I hadn’t realised when I started playing […]

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High Speed Flash Sync explained… With stop-motion animation!

A few years ago, the Strobist movement went crazy, and that was when a lot of people discovered high-speed flash sync for the first time. To those of us who are used to seeing a ‘sync speed’ of a maximum of 1/60 on a camera, high-speed syncing was absolutely magical… But have you ever stopped […]

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Squijoo reminds us to be careful who you trust online

The curiously named Squijoo (who operate under the slogan “Templates For Photographers and Designers“) came under fire earlier this week and put in the naughty corner after they got caught out in what appears to be systematic copyright abuses and plagiarism infractions. Specifically, a lot of the ‘original designs’ posted on Squijoo were uncomfortably close to designs posted […]

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Stop Motion photography brings Honda advert (and photographic inspiration) to life

Stop motion animation is hardly a new art, but the brand new advertisement PES created for Honda takes the art form to a new level. Instead of trying to deliver a smooth animation, the advert ‘breaks the fourth wall‘ and features the hands making the animation as part of the animation itself. Following the cues and […]

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How Peak Design Became Kickstarter Ninjas

Peak Design have created five incredibly successful Kickstarter campaigns. Their most recent – for the Everyday Messenger bag – raised nearly $5m from more than 17,000 backers. In this article, I talk with Peak Design’s Adam Saraceno, to find out how they keep knocking their projects out of the proverbial ballpark. And, perhaps, to find […]

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