8 ways to tell better stories with your photography

While many photographers can generate lots of nice individual pictures, creating a photo story, or a photo essay, is a lot harder. If you think of the greatest documentary photographers, such as Henri Cartier Bresson, Dorothea Lange and Don McCullin, they cut their teeth working for picture-based magazines and while a lot of these have… Continue reading

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How to make your images more tasteful and sophisticated

Sadly, there isn’t a button on your camera, or a menu function in Lightroom, called ‘good taste’ or ‘sophistication.’ Creating elegant, tasteful images is something that comes with practice, and it’s highly subjective; it also depends on the genre. ‘Tasteful’ might be suitable for interior design photography, but shouldn’t be a consideration if you are… Continue reading

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The iPhone 6s camera – a need to know guide for photographers

Sure, our DSLR or system camera is the ideal choice, but there’s a reason the iPhone is the world’s most popular camera. The best camera is the one you have on you, and with our smartphones in our pockets more often than our DSLR, it’s worth noting some of the intriguing new features introduced in the new iPhone 6s camera.

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