A humorous look at the incredible capabilities of Content Aware Fill

Adobe’s Content Aware Fill tool is one of the most incredible pieces of editing technology to come around in a long time. Sure, it’s nothing more than an automated clone and stamp tool, but with each update it seems to get more and more intelligent, making removal of unwanted objects more simple than ever. To […]

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Atlanta wedding photographer is under fire for being a no-show and failing to refund dozens of couples

If you are trying to run a wedding photography business, but either don’t show up to a wedding or send someone else on your behalf without letting the bride and groom know, you’re likely going to get in trouble. Just ask Graceology Photography, who’s alleged to have done this on multiple occasions by numerous couples. According […]

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Vista: An incredible time-lapse montage of the Pacific North West (and a little bit of the Himalayas)

It’s oftentimes the work you do out of pure passion that leads to the most magnificent result. That couldn’t be more true in the case of ‘Vista,’ the latest time-lapse montage created by Portland-based photographer Leif Smith. The three minute video took three years of shooting, countless days of editing and consisted of tens of […]

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‘Explosions of Color’: Slo-mo, skateboards and colored powder makes for movie magic

What happens when you combine slo-mo video, skateboarding and colored powder? Magic. That’s what happens. To showcase this magical trifecta, BeyondSlowMotion has created Chromatic 2, a mesmerizing four-minute video that showcases talented skateboarders performing tricks through colored powder and with it on their boards as well. There’s not much to say other than it’s a […]

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Two Dutch photojournalists attacked inside migrant camp they were making a documentary on

Two Dutch photojournalists have posted a video to YouTube depicting three migrants attacking them and attempting to rob them of their gear inside a migrant camp in Calais, France. Dutch filmmakers Teun Voeten and Maaike Engels were in the middle of shooting for their independent film ‘Calais: Welcome to the Jungle,’ when three masked attackers, one of whom […]

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Watch out Ice Light: Yongnuo announces the YN360, a full color LED light wand

If you’ve been eyeing a Westcott Ice Light for some time, but don’t care to drop the dough on it, Chinese light accessory manufacturer Yongnuo has a new product that might interest you. It’s called the YN360 and it’s an LED light wand designed to spice up your work in ways traditional lights can’t. Looking […]

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This DIY fix will remedy your broken GoPro lens for only $20

GoPro cameras are meant to take a beating. But accidents do happen and sometimes you can end up scratching or cracking the lens of a GoPro. Thankfully, YouTube user MicBergsma, who we’ve featured many times before, has shared a quick and simple way to replace the lens on your GoPro. All it takes is a […]

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