2015 Holiday Gift Guide

A lot of us are just coming out of the fog of Christmas photography rush orders and holiday shipping deadlines for photo products. We finally have time to breathe, and browse, and shop! I’ve put together a list of gifts that I’d personally recommend that hopefully, a little bit different than other lists you’ve seen. […]

Christmas Bokeh and Compression

The other day, I was watching a family take photos in front of a Christmas tree. They were standing directly in front of it. I realized that with a bit of practice, and knowledge, we can really use the lights in the tree to our advantage, and set the stage for a fantastic background for […]

Photo of the Day- Merry Christmas

Category: Family Photograph: by Jeremie Damez Originally shared on the PhotoFocus Flickr Group To learn how your work can be featured on the site, please read this article. This Post Sponsored by: Perfectly Clear for Photoshop or Lightroom is all about saving you time so you can focus on doing what you love best. Get a free […]

Photo of the Day: Christmas Family Photo

Category: Family Photograph: Christmas Family Photo–  Jeremy W Cox Setup: Composite shot with individual shots of figurines, head shots and background. Key light above subject slightly to the right (variable distance based on subject size) with Lumiquest Softbox Ltp or Softbox III depending on subject size. Fill light with Westcott umbrella bounced off white ceiling. Accent light from back left. […]

Photo of the Day: First Spoonful

Category: Family Photograph: “First Spoonful” Tiffany Alfonso Tiffany shared with me that this was the first time her daughter had ever used a spoon at home. She had been in Occupational Therapy to learn how to use a spoon, and after a lot of hard work, this was her first time using a spoon at home. […]

Bounced Flash for Casual Shooting

I live in a cave. Not literally, but it sure feels like it. My house is so dark. Even with the windows wide open, on a bright sunny day, I still have to shoot at a minimum of ISO 1600. Sometimes I embrace my cave, I shoot with the high ISO, and I don’t sweat […]

Photo of the Day: “Joy of Autumn”

Category: Family Photograph “Joy of Autumn” by Ben Grey originally shared in the Photofocus Flikr community right here. To learn how your work can be featured on the site, please read this article. This Post Sponsored by: Perfectly Clear for Photoshop or Lightroom is all about saving you time so you can focus on doing what you love […]

Photo of the Day: “Britton Drum Pad”

Category: Family Photograph “Britton Drum Pad” by Jason Zollan originally shared in the Photofocus Flikr community right here. To learn how your work can be featured on the site, please read this article. This Post Sponsored by: Perfectly Clear for Photoshop or Lightroom is all about saving you time so you can focus on doing what you love […]

Photo of the Day: “Wiggin’”

Category: Family. Photograph “Wiggin’ ” by M Graham, originally shared in the Photofocus Flikr community right here. To learn how your work can be featured on the site, please read this article. This Post Sponsored by: Perfectly Clear for Photoshop or Lightroom is all about saving you time so you can focus on doing what you love best. […]

Photo of the Day: My Daughter

Category: Family Photograph: My Daughter, by Valerie Kuepper Originally shared on the Photofocus Facebook community right here. To learn how your work can be featured on the site, please read this article. This Post Sponsored by: Perfectly Clear for Photoshop or Lightroom is all about saving you time so you can focus on doing what you love best. […]