More to a Silhouette than Exposure

There are a few key elements that create a successful silhouette. I’ll say it loud and proud. It is MORE than exposure. Yes, you meter for the sky, yes, that brings the blacks black, but there is so much more to it than that. I used to say, angle, separation, and exposure. But it is…

Sony a6000 with Neewer Underwater Case

I use Sony a6000 as my primary underwater camera. It is 24.3MP so I can easily compose in editing. The kit lens is sharp and shoots wide. The Sony shoots in RAW, necessary for white balance and editing after the fact. It has very fast autofocus which can keep up with my subjects as well […]

Document Everyday Life

Our lives sometimes surprise us. Sometimes, something happens in our lives that defines who we are. Some of those moments are planned, like a wedding. We spend time thinking about the ceremony, who we want to invite, how we want to share this moment in time with our family, and how we want to document […]

Being Prepared Makes all the Difference

I love the Boy Scout motto of Be Prepared. As a photographer that often means carrying extra batteries, a spare camera, and an extra memory card. But also knowing the location, and what conditions you’ll be working under. Practice Ahead of Time We just recently moved into a house with a pool, and I have […]

Using your Children as Models

I often use my children as subjects before I have a big shoot scheduled. I will bring my children to the location, and have them help scout, pick angles and model for me. This provides valuable feedback on how the light and environment responds to my gear and settings and gives me the opportunity to […]