Easy 3D Text With This Basic Tip

In this video, I take you through how to add a ground plane to a 3D image in Photoshop. This is helpful if you want to add a 3D element into an existing image. Give it a try and share your results on the Photofocus Facebook group.   You can find the text version of…

Saving Time with Photoshop Conditional Actions

  Conditional Actions have been available in Photoshop for a few versions and can save a great deal of time. The idea is that you can create a single action that calls other actions depending on a condition. One of the most popular uses of Conditional Actions in Photoshop is to add a watermark, logo…

Creating LUTs for Premiere Pro in Photoshop

LUTs or Look Up Tables are a great way to add a constant colour theme to your footage in Premiere Pro. If you’re already familiar with Photoshop then it may be easier for you to do the colour work in Photoshop and then import it to Premiere, in this vide I’ll show you how.  …

Simple Triptych in Photoshop

A triptych is three images that share a common theme displayed as a single piece. In this video I’ll be making the simplest form of this by displaying three images in equally sized and arranged rectangles. In this video I’ll cover; Opening multiple images from Bridge Changing the units of measurement with the Ruler The…

Adobe Market and Photoshop Assets

Creative Cloud has a plethora of added extras and there maybe one or two you miss, or forget from time to time. Adobe Market is one of those I forget, then when I need it turn my head to the skies and thank whoever dreamed it up. Where You’ll Find It I’m using a Mac…

Creating Patterns with Adobe Capture

Adobe Capture had an update recently and one of the great additions was the ability to capture and create repeating patterns that are synchronised to the Creative Cloud Libraries, and thus available in an instant in our CC Apps. Capturing a Pattern To capture a pattern, open the Adobe Capture app and tap Pattern. I’ve…

Workflow Options In Adobe Camera Raw

There are times when, at the very outset of editing, you’ll know the dimensions of the image you want to create. In this post we’ll take a look at the Workflow Options in Adobe Camera Raw that can set this out for you. What’s Wrong With Cropping? Nothing. The Crop Tool is great, but you’ll…