
Photography Isn’t a Contest: why You Should Stay Away from Photography Contests

I wanted to write to you about photography contests — why I generally recommend staying away from them. First of all, if you enter your photo into a contest, you suddenly become a slave to the opinions of others. The most important person to please in your photography is yourself. Not judges. Not random people […]

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How to get over your fear and shoot street portraits with permission

If there is one genre of street photography I specialize in, it is “street portraiture.” I love talking with my subjects, engaging with them, and focusing on their faces. If I started shooting street portraits all over again, this is the advice I would give myself. 1. Don’t Hesitate Avoid all regrets. If you see […]

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How to use photography as self-therapy to help relieve stress and get through the tough times

Have you ever felt stressed, shitty, and overwhelmed with life — and went out with a walk with your camera, and instantly felt much better? For me, photography is all about self-therapy. I’ve used the camera as a tool to overcome my stress, my social anxiety, and as a way of creative self-expression. Photography isn’t […]

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Five tips for shooting winning Urban Landscapes

I consider “urban landscapes” as a sub-genre of street photography. But it is tricky — what differentiates a great “urban landscape” from just a snapshot of a building? In this guide, I will try to offer some tips, and deconstruct how to shoot more emotional, memorable, and powerful urban landscapes: What is an urban landscape? […]

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How to Be a Zen Photographer

I’m a big fan of Zen/Taoist, Eastern philosophy. Even though I am very pro-American at heart (in terms of our love for risk-taking, for individuality, and for freedom), I see a lot of negatives of the American/Western line of thinking. There is too much focus on “profit”, “success”, and externalizing your self-worth in terms of […]

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40 practical photography assignments to inspire you

One of the most difficult things in photography is to stay motivated and inspired. I know that I have hit “photographer’s block” many times in my career. Sometimes it is good to try out different photography assignments— to push yourself outside of your comfort zone, try a new approach, and to take action. Simply sitting […]

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10 tips for candid street photography

I think in street photography, there are many different “sub-genres.” For example, you have the traditional candid street photography, you have “street portraits” (taking photos of strangers, primarily of their faces), you have photos of urban landscapes, and of just random stuff you might find on the streets. Candid street photography is one of the […]

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