How to encourage potential clients to work with you

In my last article “Photography marketing: preparing the ground for your business to flourish” I pointed out how we can do our best to market ourselves and how — occasionally — coincidences or serendipity play a much bigger role than marketing. Now I want to go through the habits that could significantly improve the chances […]

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Photography marketing: preparing the ground for your business to flourish

A guy that started his career without even having a portfolio wants you to know what he finds important to consider when it comes to market your work. After I published “What is decisive in a photographer’s career?” I got quite a few comments in a couple of Linkedin groups. In my article I pointed […]

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What is decisive in a photographer’s career?

Some people think that talent is the decisive factor, but if you look closer… If you have been in the business long enough, you already know that there are four basic factors that determine success in a photography career: technical skills creativity experience opportunities Someone with great technical skills but scant creativity will produce some […]

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It’s not just about gear: 19 tips for shooting better portraits

I am often asked how I manage to photograph a celebrity in a few minutes or what is the best way to shoot a good portrait. Here is my list of hints for shooting better portraits. Every year, I teach a few portraiture workshops. Photography students, amateurs and pros join in and participate with all […]

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Portrait Photography: can you capture what lies behind the social mask?

I focus my lens not on the forms but on the life that animates them. That’s what attracts me. If this triggers something in you, read on. On December 20, 2011, exactly five years ago, I shot the first picture of my lucky series “Portraits In Silence”. At the time, I wasn’t completely aware of […]

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