Rihanna posts photoshopped photos of Queen Elizabeth II, causes backlash from fans

On April 21, Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her 91st birthday. Many people found a convenient way to pay a tribute to Her Majesty, but a famous singer Rihanna did something that her fans saw as disrespectful. The singer posted several photos on her Instagram where the head of the Queen of England was photoshopped on […]

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16 things every photographer should be able to do in less than 10 seconds

As a professional photographer, you really need to know your stuff.  And there are some things you should be able to do fast, without thinking or even without looking. Ed Gregory from Photos in Color has a list of 16 things every photographer should be able to do in less than 10 seconds. If you’re […]

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Suspending objects with fishing line: what you should always have around

There’s more to a successful shoot than just the photo and lighting gear. There are plenty others bits and pieces to carry with you, that will enable you efficient and successful shooting and help you overcome gear problems that may emerge. We’ve seen plenty of great practical tips from Jay P. Morgan so far about […]

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You should be printing your photos, and here’s why

In the age of digital photography, few people still print their images. We are used to storing them on clouds, hard drives, and other digital mediums. But there are reasons why printing shouldn’t be forgotten and why it’s still an important part of the photography process. In his video, Peter McKinnon gives some excellent points […]

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This 4K timelapse takes you to all corners of Hawaiian island of Oahu

I love good timelapse videos. When they depict places around the planet, it boosts my desire to travel. I admire photographers who make an effort to create these demanding videos, and this time I’m presenting you with a timelapse by Chris Biela. Last time he took us to Chicago, and this time we go somewhere […]

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This website will tell you if you’ve been shadowbanned from Instagram

The word has been going around lately that Instagram has been shadowbanning their users. This means that everything appears normal to you, but when the users who don’t follow you scroll through the same hashtag feed, they won’t see your image at all. This makes it more difficult to gain new followers, which make it […]

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GoPro announces Fusion, spherical camera that captures 5.2K VR videos

Although GoPro had their difficulties, they don’t give up from staying in the market. They have announced Fusion, a new spherical camera that captures photos, regular video and VR video at 5.2K resolution. GoPro plans to put the camera in sales this fall, but you can already apply for their pilot program which they will […]

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Photographer and couple climb two mountains in freezing weather to take wedding photos

Taking the perfect wedding photos isn’t easy. The competition is high, and there are many clichés that can be difficult to beat. But a Malaysian photographer Keow Wee Loong managed to take wedding photos that probably not many people will try to replicate. The photographer and the happy couple climbed two mountains to take perfect […]

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Swellpro drones allow to film underwater without the risk of breaking them

Submerging most regular drones in water probably wouldn’t be the best idea. Waterproof Lily drone has failed, and I hope you didn’t order one as there were some problems with refunds. So, if you’re still looking for a drone to fly over glistening lakes, film water activities or even submerge it in water, Swellpro Drones can […]

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7 tricks to customize your Nikon camera and make shooting more efficient

There are plenty of ways to customize your camera. And this time, I’m not talking about adding bling to it. This is something far more useful, and intended for Nikon shooters. Steve Perry goes through seven Nikon tricks for customizing the controls. They work on most Nikon cameras, and they will make your shooting faster, […]

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