Offbeat with Joel Robison

It’s not every day that person’s work transports one to another time or place. Rarer still is the photo that makes one feel like they are peeking in on another, magical world; so it is with the photography of Joel Robison. I discovered Joel’s work a few years ago on Instagram and I’ve been an […]

Staying Safe Around Wild Horses

I am fortunate to have several groups of wild horses and burros that live within a 20-minute drive of my home. They are one of my favorite subjects to photograph with the stark Nevada desert as a backdrop. While I did not own horses as a kid, I grew up around them and am very […]

OFFLOAD = Peace of Mind

Your footage does not exist, until it exists in at least two other places than the source. Then, and only then, should you reuse source media. The adage above is as close to a truism as one can find in digital video production. At the start of my production career, Alex Lindsay hammered it into […]

4K. What’s all the Hubub, Bub?

A while back, I was chatting with Scott Bourne about the emerging 4K acquisition standard and the video camera “arms race” originally started by Red Digital Cinema. At the time, he said “Rich Harrington is always talking about 4K as well. I get it. It’s a bigger frame, but I am not sure how that […]

Offbeat with Clemens Vanderwerf

It is not often one finds someone willing to traipse around the chilly Alaskan countryside, looking for moose. But, that is precisely what I found when I met Clemens Vanderwerf last spring. We had already spent a week on the Kachemak Bay photographing eagles, sea otters, Stellar’s Sea Lions and a host of pelagic seabirds. […]

GoPro + Periscope = DroneCast

Well, this moves the needle. Lately, GoPro has been taking a bit of a beating as more players like Sony, Nikon and, if rumors are to be believed, Olympus have entered the fray. Yesterday, GoPro and Periscope announced a new integration that allows GoPro owners to connect their cameras to the Periscope app. On the […]

Nikon Challenges GoPro With 360/VR Capture

GoPro created the action camera segment. Many others followed but, with the exception of Sony, all have met with limited success. With today’s announcement at CES, Nikon enters the fray and brings something pretty new to the table … 360 degree video. (be sure to check out the V360) Named the “Key Mission” (KM), Nikon’s first […]

Offbeat with Joel Grimes

Joel Grimes’ work is instantly recognizable. From powerful, dynamic posing, to a rich, yet desaturated, HDR look, to masterful compositing which is both surreal and firmly grounded in reality, his photography is iconic. His work has such intensity that, when I met Joel a few years back, expected him to be equally intense and, perhaps, […]

Galactic Warfighters: Much More Than Toys

A little over year ago, I stumbled across an amazing image on Facebook that someone was trying to pass off as a production still from “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”. Knowing how closely J.J. Abrams protects his mystery box, I was dubious and started digging. That search lead me to Matthew Callahan and the toy […]

Like It Or Not, All Drones Must Be Registered

Today, the FAA formally announced plans for the registration of small unmanned aircraft (UAS), better known as “drones”. The new laws apply to any UAS weighing more than 0.55 pounds (250 grams) and less than 55 pounds (approx. 25 kilograms) including payloads such as on-board cameras. Effective December 21st, all owners of qualifying drones are […]