Photographer of the Day: Karim Sahai

Category: Nature Photographer: Karim Sahai Title: A Young Reindeer I know summer is almost here, but how about a little Christmas magic? When I first saw this image, I thought for certain it was a digital painting. I was wrong. Instead, we have a bone simple composition with bit of alchemy found in the subject,…

Photographer of the Day: Nick Nieto

Category: Nature Photographer: Nick Nieto Title: Spiritual Falls What a lush, evocative image! Nieto masterfully uses to a slow shutter to capture the waterfall as a series of silky ribbons. Dark stone and just the right amount of “pop” in the green moss pulls everything in this image together to make it live up to…

Photographer of the Day: Ric Rus

Category: Nature Photographer: Ric Rus Title: Goldfinches feeding before the snowstorm Overall execution is spot on, but that is not why I chose this image. In a word, dynamic. If you’ve ever watched the frenetic madhouse that is songbirds at a feeder, you know this image captures it perfectly, And, if you did not, now…

Photographer of The Day: Murray Fox

Category: Nature Photographer: Murray Fox Title: A Fresh Winter’s Morning Too often, when we think of nature photography, we think only of wild places. Here Fox captures a wonderful, early morning, pastoral scene of horses in a pasture. Normally, I prefer off-center composition, but this is the perfect arrangement for this image. And, the color!…

Photographer of the Day: Paul Krippler

Category: Nature Photographer: Paul Krippler Title: Flow At times, the best way to put nature in focus is to contrast it against machinery. Krippler does so with great effect in this image. The silky, slow shutter waterfall dominates the foreground while a fairly modern dam looks on. Great execution. Great juxstaposition. Great image. Photo originally…

Photographer of the Day: Marcel Theriault

Category: Nature Photographer: Marcel Theriault Title: Pine Siskin on My Balcony Simple is often powerful and so it is with this image. First, it is well-executed. The Pine Siskin is in tack-sharp focus, especially the eyes. Second, it is a simple, some might say drab, bird in a simple setting, but that is why it…

Photographer of the Day: Mark “Machine” Graham

Category: Nature Photographer: Mark “Machine” Graham Title: Still Scott Bourne tells a great story about the photographer who brought $20k of gear to a seminar in a major national park and then complained there was nothing to photograph. The lesson roughly equates to … “there is always something worth shooting if you know how to…

Photographer of the Day: Chris Utano

Category: Nature Photographer: Chris Utano Title: Rocks I am a sucker for a well-composed shot of a shoreline. As a nature photographer, it has all the elements: land, sea and sky. This image is not only well composed. It is deftly processed. With sunsets and sunrises, there is always a temptation to pump up the…

What to Look For At NAB 2016

It is that time of year again. NAB is just around the corner. My inbox and social media have already been flooded with official announcements and “unofficial” leaks. What am I excited to see on the show floor? There is a lot to cover, so let’s dive in. Lytro Cinema — Lytro’s light field cameras…

Photographer of the Day: Mary Hulett

Category: Nature Photographer: Mary Hulett There is much to like about Guadalupe Serenity, starting the use of the water as a leading line, which pulls the viewer through the frame. Next, I love the color palette. In so many autumn shots, the focus is on vibrant, contrasting colors. Here, the muted palette adds to the…