
Photographer of the Day: Rob Dweck

Category: Nature Photographer: Rob Dweck Title: Migration 3 With fast-moving animals, a wildlife photographer must make a conscious choice: freeze or blur. Freeze delivers tack sharp images; blur delivers abstract images. Both are powerful and evocative, but most photographers seem to choose freeze over blur. Dweck’s photo illustrates why blur an equally valid, and often…

Photographer of the Day: Ted Stark

Category: Nature Photographer: Ted Stark Title: Annoyance With Stowaways The first thing that struck me about this image was the strong use of the foreground to create a sense of depth. Next, we have the birds. Great wildlife photography captures behavior. Despite the cheeky title, Ted has captured the symbiotic relationship between the bison and…

Photographer of the Day: Brent Schnarr

Category: Nature Photographer: Brent Schnarr Title: 334:365 alt Nemo Getting a good exposure on dry land is tough. Underwater photography adds so many new variables, few people make an effort to really master it. Schnarr has. Excellent composition. Beautiful lighting. Sharp focus. All of which are more difficult underwater, where movement of both subject and…

Photographer of the Day: Brent Schnarr

Category: Nature Photographer: Brent Schnarr Title: 334:365 alt Nemo Getting a good exposure on dry land is tough. Underwater photography adds so many new variables, few people make an effort to really master it. Schnarr has. Excellent composition. Beautiful lighting. Sharp focus. All of which are more difficult underwater, where movement of both subject and…

Photographer of the Day: Don Komarechka

Category: Nature Photographer: Don Komarechka Title: Macro photography requires a particular eye and technical discipline. Komarechka demonstrates both in this image, but that alone is not why I picked. Wildlife photography tends to focus on subjects to which the viewer can easily relate. Insects and arachnids are not defined as relatable by most folks. So,…

Photographer of the Day: Rachid Saghiri

Category: Nature Photographer: Rachid Saghiri Title: Bekhouchaaaaaaa! Such a simple image. Often times, simple is best … and deceiving. Macro photography is never simple. The strength of this image is its composition. The viewer does not see the insect’s face, but that is not needed as this is an “over the shoulder”, … not a…

Photographer of the Day: Laurent Glasson

Category: Nature Photographer: Laurent Glasson Title: Couché de soleil sur le bargy On their own, the mountains and the dramatic sky, would make this a wonderful image. What grabbed me was Glasson’s use of the foreground. The darkness of the foreground makes the mountain and sky pop. The “transparency” of the bare tree limbs gives…

Photographer of the Day: Brock Slinger

Category: Nature Photographer: Brock Slinger Title: Reflection Like so many hard-won skills, mastery is a demonstrated by the choices one makes. There are many excellent choices made in this image. First, portrait orientation shows the underwater stones in the foreground, which contrast with the natural sculpture which is the focal point. The entire effect is…

Photographer of the Day: Mundl

Category: Nature Photographer: mundl Title: Untitled Contrast is a great tool for creating drama. In this image, soft, billowing clouds compete with a hard, stark mountain’s edge. Light and dark are pushed to the extreme. The contrast captured in camera is further emphasized by Mundl’s definitive, yet deft, hand in post processing. Excellent! Photo originally…

Photographer of the Day: Dan Warkentin

Category: Nature Photographer: Dan Warkentin Title: Mt. Kidd To often, landscapes are framed and executed as snapshots. Not so here. From location scouting, to composition & framing through to post-processing; Warkentin’s deft choices show through in the final image. Photo originally shared in Photofocus’ Flickr group. To learn how your work can be featured on…