100 Years/100 Shots

Here’s a journey through the past 100 years of cinema. This video was crafted by Jacob T. Swinney, and he picked what he felt was the most memorable shot from each year. “While many of these shots are the most recognizable in film history, others are equally iconic in their own right. For example, some…

Photographer of the Day: Jacob Jackson

Category: Nature Photographer: Jacob Jackson Title: Dark Skies Evocative. At first glance, the frame does not give a clear sense of scale. It make the viewer wonder how big are the waterfalls in the foreground. For this image, that works. The dark palette and low-hanging mist help transform a simple, low, tidal block waterfall into…

Photographer of the Day: Pablo Reinsch

Category: Nature Photographer: Pablo Reinsch Title: Hand to Hand It’s the little things. In this case, a little lizard. The composition is strong. Positioning the subject across the top third of the frame allows the hand to provide scale with the pale, soft whorls of fingerprints providing textural contrast to the dark, iridescence of the…

Photographer of the Day: Joaquín Alonso Arellano Ramírez

Category: Nature Photographer: oaquín Alonso Arellano Ramírez Title: Bear A great portrait of a a dangerous creature. Black and white post-processing produces an image with a ghostly feel. Over on the the G+ thread, the photographer talks about the fact that, perhaps, he got to close to the animal to get this image. The ensuing…

Photographer of the Day: Matt Tiegs

Category: Nature Photographer: Matt Tiegs Title: American Kestrel Lots to love here. First, the eyes and face are in clear focus. Next, the bird is framed well, making it the focal point of the image, even without the creamy bokeh that really makes it pop. Finally, that little hint of motion in the feet, coupled…

Photographer of the Day: Rob Sentz

Category: Nature Photographer: Rob Sentz Title: Liquid Land Having just moved to Spokane, WA, I must admit to being a bit partial to images of the area these days. In particular, I’ve been studying images of the Palouse region, which is just next door. There, rolling hills, covered in crops, feel more like the ocean…

Photographer of the Day: Stewart Baird

Category: Nature Photographer: Stewart Baird Title: Clouds All Over Infrared. Generally, the viewer loves or hates it, but it never fails to grab the eye. To the naked eye, I’ll bet this was a lovely scene. But, using infrared, Baird makes it surreal. For me, it all starts with the open, dream-like field and transition…

Photographer of the Day: Seth Patterson

Category: Nature Photographer: Seth Patterson Title: Doting Doe Babies. Is there any other subject that makes people go “Awwwwww!”? Yes. Animal babies; more so when we see animal parents in action. Patterson has captured an intimate mother and child moment. In the same moment, he has captured the holy grail of wildlife photographers: behavior. As…

Photographer of the Day: Kevin Einzelgänger

Category: Nature Photographer: Kevin Einzelgänger Title: Untitled Reflections are a powerful element in any photo. When the reflection and source object make something new, the result can be magical. Such is the case with this bridge in this image. Coupled with its reflection, the bridge forms a ring which feels like a portal to another…

Photographer of the Day: Christian Meermann

Category: Nature Photographer: Christian Meermann Title: Rasta Aquarium (5) Nature is full of patterns. Some fixed; some flowing. Meermann’s lovely detail shot of sea anemone captures both the fixed patterns of color and the flowing patterns of shape and motion. To often, wildlife photographers focus on capturing the whole animal or a “head and shoulders”…