WPPI 2017 Keynote Speakers Announced!

Hot off the presses from the fine folks at PDN and Rangefinder, the keynote speakers for this years Wedding and Portrait Photography International Conference in Las Vegas have been released! Check out the official release below for all the juicy details and I hope to see you all there! Renowned Photographers Offer Knowledge and Inspiration…

How Much Speed Does a Photographer Need

It’s the age old question since we’ve started to shoot digital. How can I make my workflow faster? More efficient? Or more importantly, how can I get more free time and peace of mind? Well, here’s where I hopefully can help out a little. I was lucky enough to get my hands on the DROBO…


Pretty much everyone reading this is all too familiar with JPEG’s and the creation of large, small, printable, social media sized, etc images for clients. If you’re like me and tend to shoot a fair number of weddings and events with LARGE, (sometimes obscenely so), catalogs of images, the delivery of these files to your…

Transcend’s New Ultra High Speed SD Cards

As a kid, I remember my parents asking me to pick up some RAM for our business while I was on a family vacation…I don’t remember how much it cost…but I do remember that the 16k of ram that I had picked up was on two boards about the size of a Wacom Small Tablet each!  So…

Transcend’s New Ultra High Speed SD Cards

As a kid, I remember my parents asking me to pick up some RAM for our business while I was on a family vacation…I don’t remember how much it cost…but I do remember that the 16k of ram that I had picked up was on two boards about the size of a Wacom Small Tablet each!  So…

Photography Projects – Expectation vs Reality

As anyone who’s been to WPPI can tell you, it’s pretty insane. Between the Classes, Expo Booths, Parties, Socials, After Parties, Dinners, and well…everything else that Las Vegas can throw at you, seeing everyone / everything you want too is next to impossible, let alone keeping your professional schedule in check! 2016 was no different, however…

How To Optimize Your Facebook News Feed

Facebook, despite all its ups and downs, has become a part of our lives. It’s become a source of education, advertising, entertainment, and social/family connection!  So with that in mind, I thought it’d be great to share with you a way to help make your Facebook experience a little more manageable! The problem i’m sure…